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Analise's POV

"King Gabriel called for an urgent meeting." Evelyne said, bursting in my room. "Analise?" She called out.

"In here!" I responded from the closet as I changed into another one of my new suits I bought. Her head peaked through the door. "Hurry! Apparently it is urgent."

"Jesus, calm down." I passed a quick brush through my hair, thankful to have already done my make-up earlier. "let's go." I said, sliding on my stilettos and grabbing my phone from my bed. As we exited the room, I greeted the other Alphas and Lunas who were headed for the meeting.

"What could have happened?" I mumble as we pass the guards and enter the room. Evelyne leaved my side to go take her seat near Axel as I take my seat next to my father.

"Everybody quiet down please." His voice booms in the room as he stands up, getting everyone's attention. "We have got pressing matters to deal with right now. Last night, we received a visit from the vampires and they left a letter for us." He informed the room and I felt my blood turning cold as the colour drained from my face.

My eyes snapped to Alexander who was already looking at me. He subtly nods his head at me, reassuring me, as he sees my expression before directing his attention to my father. "And what did it say?" He asked.

"Apparently they want to make peace with us." Murmured erupted everywhere as my father circulates the said letter around the room. I had expected them to tell them about the fact that they wanted me and not that they wanted peace. Despite the letter, I had difficulties believing them.

"How do you know if it true?" Alexander spoke. "We cannot trust them." King Tarsal agreed.

"But, if it avoids this entire war and loss of lives, I think it will be worth it." Queen Elena spoke and a few other s agreed.

"It could be a trap." Grandmother warned us. "They might use it as a way to get inside the castle and then attack us."

"It would be the perfect way. We would all be in the same space and they could easily carry out a successful attack." Someone else spoke.

"But if we never took any risks, we would not be here today. Right Analise?" Rayan asked me, using my own words against me and I grinded my teeth.

My palms grew sweaty under the table as people awaited my answer. "Yes." I mustered up the courage to speak.

"Then how do you suggest we proceed with this?" Someone else asked causing me to internally groan.

"It might very well be a trap but it could also be a way to put an end to all of this once and for all." I said out loud, as I thought of my next answer. "If we do decide to meet them, it should be done under certain conditions." I said firmly to which a few nodded.

"We could specify the numbers in which they come." Someone suggested and I nodded, absent minded.

"Maybe we should tell them to meet us somewhere else."

"The palace might be the riskiest place, given that if they try to attack, we will all be here." I explained. "However, it could be the safest too. We would be in greater numbers and we know the palace better than them."

"What if they also specify the number of people they want to meet?" King Tarsal spoke. "They might have their own conditions."

"If we expect them to agree to our condition, then we should do the same to their condition." Father spoke. "Though, if they are exaggerated, we will decline."

"All of these attacks and killing of our people, only to resolve it all over a talk?" Alexander voiced out. "Doesn't it look a bit suspicious?"

"You helping us also looked suspicious." Rayan retorted causing me to pinch the bridge of my nose.

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