Chapter 12: Im Back New York\Party Crasher

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"Ladies and gentlemen we will be landing shortly."

The pilot announced waking me up from my sleep. I opened my eyes and glanced at my side, Alejandro was working on his laptop. Does this guy ever get exhausted with work?

I sighed and took out my little kit from my bag and stood up to go to the restroom. I fixed my hair and fixed my clothes, today I'm sporting a white and blue sweater while wearing some jeans and some high heels that weren't too high in the color of white.

I wanted to dress comfy today and this was the only thing I could pull out from my closet that's comfy, mostly all of my clothes are dresses, okay rebuke that to the stylist my father hired for me when I was about 17, I'm lucky I don't have to follow all of their rules anymore.

Somehow this marriage is a blessing and also a curse at the same time.

Today my hair was in big curls and I was wearing no makeup.

I walked out of the restroom and Alejandro darted at me, I ignored him and went back to my seat, ever since the day that I saw him kiss another girl I'd rather not talk to him, that was his signal to tell me that we were nothing and what would he feel like if I kissed a guy in front of him.

I put on my seatbelt and looked out the window as we landed on the runway, after a few minutes the pilot announced that we're there, I took my bag and walked to the exit, the flight attendant gave me my coat and I thanked her.

Without sparing a glance at Alejandro I strode down the private jet and waited for Alejandro, for all we comprehend maybe he's there kissing the flight attendants. I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes.

I looked back and saw Dante stepping out of the car. "Dante! Hey, how did you get here first?" I asked and gave him a slight side hug. "Well always have to be early to do your job right." He said and I chuckled and nodded.

I looked back and saw Alejandro on his way towards us. Dante opened the car door for me and I sat inside. I took out my phone and texted Gretchen that I was here.

Alejandro sat beside me and I just started at the window as Dante drove to the house.


"Yup, I'll meet you there, bye Gretch."

I said to Gretchen, I took my shoulder bag and placed my phone inside it, today I and Gretchen are going to have breakfast together, I'm so happy since I missed her so much.

Today, I'm wearing a black t-shirt and jeans on the bottom, and I'm planning to wear a dark brown jacket over it. I'm also wearing dark brown heels that gave my short petite height a few inches.

I walked out of my room with my jacket and bag and saw Railey, I didn't see her yesterday since I was resting in my room the whole day, okay I admit I'm a bit sluggish.

I rushed to her and hugged her. "Camila, I missed you," she says and broke the hug.

"I missed you too!" I said and smiled at her.

"Breakfast is ready, Mr. Huxley's already eating." She said and I looked at her shocked.

"Whoa, well that's a first. But I'm not having breakfast here, I'm going out." I said and she smiled at me and nodded.

"Well, have a good day Camila." She said and hugged me.

"You too Railey. I'll be going now I'm late." I said and she nodded.

I strode downstairs and walked to the exit, I glanced at the garden and saw Alejandro eating, he was wearing a suit and has his laptop in front of him, he looked busy, well at least he's happy...

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