chpt 2: Confessions, realizations, and a crush

621 27 1

6:25 pm

Todomomo's private dm's

Creati: What do you need Todoroki-kun?

Shoto: I wanted to confirm what bakugou said, that, yes, I did also like you since first year but I didn't understand my feelings at the time. Plus I never thought you would like me back.

Creati: Really!? I thought you would never like me back.

Shoto: So we both thought the other would never like us back but we both liked each other?

Creati: It appears so

Shoto: Does that mean you want to go on a date with me?

Creati: I would love too.


Deku: Uraraka-san, are you okay now?

Uravity: Oh yeah I'm fine now! Tsu help get me down!

Deku: Great! so what Kacchan said true?

Uravity: Well for me...yes. do you feel the same?

Deku: Yes! since first year just like Kacchan said!

Uravity: Same!

Deku: So do you want to go to a Cafe later this week and go on a date?

Uravity: I would love too!

Deku: Awesome

Uravity: Now that I think about it, it was obvious you liked me from the start.😅😂

Deku: Same for you! 😂

Uravity: So you want to go to the Cafe down the street?

Deku: Yeah


Uravity: and deku-kun are dating now.

Shoto: Same with me and Momo

Tentacole: About time

Deku: @Uravity you can call me Izuku

Uravity: okay Izuku! you can call me Ochaco.

✨I can not stop twinkling✨: ✨Mon amie Izuku is blushing red right now.✨

Deku: Yuga, how do you know that?

✨I can not stop twinkling✨: ✨I'm outside your window.✨

Deku: Wait what!?😨😰

'Dynamite' has named 'I can not stop twinkling' to '✨Twinkling stalker✨'

✨Twinkling stalker✨: ✨I'm o f f e n d e d✨

Ingenium: Lmao

Pinky: I forgot we broke Iida at the end of first year.

Selophane: Same

Charge Bolt: Since we're changing  names...

'Charge Bolt' has named 'Red Riot' to 'Hard bro'

'Charge Bolt' has named 'Dynamite' 'Mama Katsu'

'Charge Bolt' has named 'Tentacole' to 'Kakashi 2.0'

'Charge Bolt' has named 'Uravity' to 'Hero Kirby'

'Charge Bolt' has named 'Ingenium' to 'The dad who has given up'

'Charge Bolt' has named them selves 'Pika-Pika, Pikachu'

'Pika-Pika, Pikachu' has named 'Tailman' to 'The calm blond of UA'

'Pika-Pika, Pikachu' has named 'Anima' to 'Baby Rock'

'Pika-Pika, Pikachu' has Named 'Pinky' to 'Deadly cum'

'Pika-Pika, Pikachu' has named 'Deku' to 'You thought I was innocent?😂'

'Pika-Pika, Pikachu' has named 'Creati' to 'Aunt of the Bakusquad'

'Earphone Jack' named them selves 'Fuck you, Denki🖕'

Pika-Pika, Pikachu: Rude😪

'Pika-Pika, Pikachu' had named 'Grape Juice' to 'Changed Grape'

'Mama Katsu' has named 'Shoto' to 'Zuko's and Elsa's secret love child'

'Pika-Pika, Pikachu' has named 'Sugar Man' to 'Local sugar daddy'

'Pika-Pika, Pikachu' has named 'Tsukuyomi' to 'It's not a phase, mom!'

'Pika-Pika, Pikachu' has names 'Selophane' to 'Spider daddy'

'Pika-Pika, Pikachu' has named 'Froppy' to 'The frog Queen'

'Pika-Pika, Pikachu' has named 'Invisible Girl' to 'Girl said bye'

Hard Bro: Why kami, Why 😭😥

Spider daddy: Ayo

Local sugar daddy: Okay but why tho? Just why?

Mama Katsu: You're lucky I'm in a good mood.

The frog Queen: At least you know I'm a queen

The dad who has given up: True af, I stopped giving a shit.

You thought I was innocent😂: Finally someone besides Kacchan knows

Mama Katsu: I made food so get your asses to the kitchen unless you want to starve.


You thought I was innocent😂: What did you call him?🙃😄

Pika-Pika, Pikachu: Mama Katsu

You thought I was innocent😂: That's what I thought😁

Everyone in offline

7:25 pm

Iida's and Bakugou's dm's

Run, run, Sonic: Bakugou I need some help.

Number one Pomeranian: Can it wait four eyes? The girls are ri-

Run, run, Sonic: I think I have a crush on Mei.

Class 2A Group chat (ft. ships and mama Bakugou)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang