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Coldwater was splashed on my face and I was woken up from my deep slumber. As soon as I opened my eyes the man who poured the water on me gave me a disgusted look and left through the barred door. 

I looked around to see that I was in an old and dirty cell. There was green mould in the corners of the stone walls. 

I tried to get up but realised that my hands and legs were tied. I tried pulling the ropes hoping to get out but it was of no use. I felt my fingers that realised that my ring was gone. Everything I had was gone. That included my pendant and the ring.

There was no window or anything only a small gaslight that was outside my cell lighting up the surroundings.

I don't know how long I had been here but I was feeling thirsty. I lay on the ground with my back against the wall and my hands tied behind my back. The feeling of not being able to move or do anything was very suffocating.

Sometime later, the noise of shoes tapping on the ground could be heard indicating that someone is coming.

"Good thing he finally woke up. I will kill him with my own hands." My eyes widened. They are going to kill me. again.

"I prefer feeding him to the wolves alive."  Do they have some kind of big grudge against the old Alex?

"Yeah, that is a good idea. Hahahahaha." The sounds of four different men laughing could be heard. They were all so sick, laughing about things like this.

Soon they came into view. One of them gave a low whistle.

"My! My! What a looker! I might not have the heart to kill him just like that." The one with a scar on his right eye and a creepy smile said. 

The four of them entered the cell and stood in front of me. One of them bent to come eye-to-eye with me. 

"It is because of you that my sons are now rotting away in the prison." Deep wrinkles were etched on his face showing his old age.

"But father! Toby was right. Isn't he good looking? He would grow into a fine young man." Another one with bleached hair said. 

"We can get a huge price for him in the underground market. People pay a hefty sum to enjoy the taste of young flesh." He came down to my level and put his hands under my shirt. His hands started roaming all around on my upper body.

"Get your filthy hands off me." I yelled. 

"Oh! The puppy speaks. I was starting to think that you were mute." The man who in the far back spoke this time. He had jet-black hair and his eyes held a creepy look. I could tell that he was the most dangerous of them all. 

"Untie me right this second." 

"It's bold of you to assume that we would just let you go." The black haired man spoke as he walked towards me.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked as he gripped my chin and brought my face near his.

"My father just told you. Let me introduce you." 

"This is my father." He pointed to the old man. "This is my brother." He pointed to the man with bleached hair "And he is my friend." Atlast he pointed to the man with the scar on his eye.

"And who are you?" I whipped my head away from his grip and he stood up dusting his pants. 

"I am I am the brother of the two men that were captured because of you a few months ago." He said and it clicked me. He is related to the human traffickers who tried to kidnap Issac.

I Reincarnated As A Cannon Fodder Villain??!!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon