Chapter 14

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Friday 6:00 A. M.


Why are you always up so early?

You have to do
arrangements for your
proposal, don't you?

I'll see to it.
I'm sleepy right now.

Get up.
I am calling you

Noooo. Please just 1 hour more.

Zompire :
Are you a kid? Get up!

Incoming call: Zompire.

Accept / Decline


[Woah. Your voice is deep]

[And yours is sweet]

[Okay let's cut the crap
How are you feeling now?]

[It's much better.
See, I am talking to you
now. I think I will be able
to go to the event.]

[Oh yeah! I'm in the mood
for dancing]

[Well you don't need permission
to dance]

[Ya, you're correct! But let
me go to the rooftop first.
I'll disturb Sasha's sleep.
Hold on for 5 minutes]

[Yeah, I'm there]

[So, what are you wearing?]

[Is it necessary?]

[Yes it is]

What about a dress?]

[If you would go straight
from pajamas to dress.
He would know that you
are knowing his plan]

[That's why I am saying lets
wear pajamas only]

[Would you like to accept
the ring in pajamas?]

[Ring? Fuck I am blushing
the shit out of me]

[Obviously! Maybe a jeans and
top would work]

[Okay, so what's your favorite
color? I'll wear that]

[You should be wearing Ryan's
favorite color, right?]

[Yeah. Why didn't I thought
about it]

You didn't thought about it?]

[Stop laughing!!
It's a good idea tho]

[I'm always that useful]

[Hey Stob itt!]

[I'll be busy today but make sure
to update me, I'll read if I get time
or I'll read afterwards.]

[Alright, love you]


[Oh my God you are stuttering.

[Just shut it]

[Ya, I guess that's how forever
singles behave when a girl
says love you, right?

[Are you done?
Cause I am hanging up]

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