Chapter Four - His Guidance

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"All of my future plans.. withering away before my very own eyes," I moaned with my head down on my desk, my arms crossed under it. Next to me sat Amanda who patted me on the back half heartedly.

Touchy feely moments were not her cup of tea. I blamed it on her hot shot lawyer parents who paid for her to travel across Europe but wouldn't actually admit that they loved her.

"There there," she said awkwardly, "It's not the end of the world."

I turned my head just so I could glare at Amanda before placing it back down. "It is," I insisted. "I'm in love, Amanda. He doesn't even know I exist."

She sighed, "Do you really think you can be in love with the guy when you've never even had a conversation with him?"

"Um. Yes clearly. Because I am."

"Well, maybe you just need some help in getting him notice you then."

I lifted my head up quickly, "Help?" She had caught my interest.

"Yeah, you know, a shaman to show you the path," she stated matter-of-factly, "a Mr. Miyagi to your Karate Kid. And please, stop making me watch these nerdy films with you."

I gasped, "Nerdy? I'd be offended if that wasn't the best suggestion you've ever given me."

I stared at her pointedly.

She stared back.

After a few moments she sighed. I knew I could tear down what little will she had, "What do you want?" She asked dejectedly.

"Be my Mr. Miyagi. Be my Yoda, Amanda!" I enthused as I clasped onto her arm as though it was a life or death situation. Which for me, it practically was.

"No way! Are you nuts?! I haven't been on a date in a year and you want to know why?" She questioned.

I sighed, finishing her thought for her, "Because of school."

"That's right. You roped me into this psychology class, I can't Mr. Miyagi your, no offence, fake relationship." She shook her head at me and returned to her highlighting.

"It's fine. I'll ask Connie."

She huffed in frustration.

After class, I bounded out to phone Connie and ask for her to be my guide in my almost-there relationship.

"There's no way, Mabel," Connie argued.

"Why, Connie? I'm a great student! Don't take my grades for it I mean, but with this, I'll be a great student!"

"What could I possibly teach you about getting attention from guys? You're already so bright that everyone notices you," She reasoned.

It was meant to be sweet, I'm sure. But it did nothing to help me get Jackson to love me back. So, I walked home, alone and dejected.

I blamed my parents, first. If only they hadn't kept me homeschooled all my life. Maybe I would have learned normal social skills. Maybe I would have had close friends before I was twenty and in college. Maybe I could get attention from guys that I loved. Maybe I would have had a relationship before this point in my life.

Then, I blamed myself. There was a reason that only Connie and Amanda could stand to be around me. I didn't function normally. If I did, maybe Jackson would give me a chance.

I opened my apartment door feeling like absolute crap until I heard: "Oh my God, Marcus, don't stop. Please."

For the love of God. Did this man ever have a night alone?!

I positioned a speaker next to the wall, fully prepared to start blasting mood-killer songs. I was thinking some Weird Al Yankovic or maybe some Enya.

"Why do women just fall at your feet?" The woman sighed in satisfaction.

And then it clicked. Why do women fall at his feet? My Gandalf.

I spent the next fifteen minutes glued to the wall, waiting for his lady friend to leave. How long does it take to get dressed?

"So, you'll call me?" She asked hopefully.

I rolled my eyes. No, he won't.

"Yeah, I will," Marcus replied.

Door open. Door closed. Heels clicking. Elevator beeping.

I rushed out of my apartment and knocked repeatedly on his door. I kept knocking until he finally opened it with an annoyed expression on his face.

When he noticed it was me it turned into surprise, "Oh, hey, Mabie. Too loud?" He smirked as he crossed his arms over his naked chest and leaned against his door.

"Be my Gandalf," I blurted out.

"Huh?" He asked in confusion. "If that's some kind of sex thing, then sure." He shrugged nonchalantly.

I shook my head, "I need a guide."

"A guide to sex? Because I can help but I'm a pretty hands-on teacher."

"No," I sighed in annoyance. "To get Jackson to like me. I need a guide. Someone who women flock to. Someone who knows the mind of a guy. You're perfect! You clearly have a lot of free time on your hands," I gestured to his, frankly, unappealing apartment. It looked like an apartment that was designed by someone who googled 'how to make an apartment look like a bachelor pad.'

He had CDs and DVDs piled along an entire wall behind his black couch. A television sat in front of the couch and rest of the room was quite literally, barren. No rug, no pictures on the wall, no bookshelves.

He threw himself on his couch, "Meh, I'll pass."

"But... you can't!" I protested.

His gaze turned to me, "Why not?"

"Because I'm desperate and Yoda never gave up on Luke!" I reasoned with him.

"I'm pretty sure Yoda died on Luke halfway through his training," Marcus replied grabbing the remote and switching the TV on.

I looked around his stupidly empty room and my eyes landed on Harry Potter movies mixed into his DVD pileup. "Snape never gave up on Harry!"

He laughed, "Still not interested."

"I'll do your laundry for a month!" I bargained.

His eyes slid to mine quickly, "You're really that desperate?"

"Yes," I replied quickly.

He paused for a moment, pursing his lips at me. "Fine. Laundry for three months and you don't get to question my methods."

I squealed in joy, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Yeah, yeah," He responded, facing the TV, but I could see a small smile playing on his lips.

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