This got personal.

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Nothing, all dark, I couldn't see, for once I was trying to think of the situation. Thump. 'Jean and John..twins born from good and bad...' Thump. 'Can I trust Jean even?' Thump. 'What if it's not John' THUMP. I jolted up and reached for the gun on the drawer. It was gone. "What the..." I got out of the bed and noticed my door was open. I didn't lock it. "What's going on?'' I left my room and the front door was unlocked too. "Jean???" I turned on the lights in the living room "Jean?!" nowhere. I went to his room, not locked. I pushed open the door and, Jean stared at me in the dark "What?.." I guess I woke him up by accident. "Uh...I was wondering what was going on, there was thumping and my gun was missing, why's everything unlocked?" Jean got up "I don't lock my door anymore, and the gun?..I have no clue" That didn't explain the thumping. "Did you hear the thumping?" Jean shrugged "No?" Maybe I was going crazy, maybe. "Ok let's..." I went back to my room with Jean following. I opened my window and looked out, the thumping had to have been something. A soft glow of a light shone through parts of the trees nearby. "Come on." I put on my boots quickly and left out the door. I jumped down part of the stairs and made my way across the street by the trees. It was dark, but that yellowish orange light was all I needed to follow. I covered my face and moved into the bushes.Bad feeling. I slowly put my arms down. Bad feeling. I stared in shock at the two bodies tied to the tree with lit Jack O Lanterns. "What.." I went to get my flashlight from my coat only to notice I forgot it. "Damn" The bushes rustled and Jean came from them "Jesus you're fast-'' He looked at the bodies and back at me "Mike..?" I noticed myself staring at them "Oh, right sorry I just have a feeling this.." I wasn't going to involve him. I wasn't going to. "Go to the police station and tell them. 'Chester' might still be around. I'M going to take care of it." Jean looked uneasy but nodded and took off again through the bushes. Without my gun I was pretty much harmless to someone who did all these murders. But at least I would die knowing who it was. I looked around a bit until I got a bad feeling one way. That was where I needed to go.

I kept following the bad feeling until I was in the woods now. It was damp and along the way I found dead animal's, seemingly done by a person who came through here. The wind rustled whatever was left of the dead tree's leaves. It was a little too dark to see, but there was a snap and I turned my head "Chester?" I called out into the trees ''Listen, I need this to stop! Turn yourself in and I can help you!" The wind picked up, and I heard the voice I've known before from the warehouse. "You really care about the people here huh Detective?" I tried to make out the shape in the trees ''What do you want from this place?!" I had to ask as many things as I could. But there was no reply, simply a laugh. "Sorry Miike" Chester was just toying with me now. "What're you going to do now??? Keep endlessly killing? You can't do it forever! You'll get messy and get yourself caught! Trust me it's happened, you can't delay it" The figure in the trees started to disappear, I ran into the trees and tried keeping sight of the figure.

Eventually I ended up in a clearing, out of breath, I froze once I saw the horror that he led me to. The clearing was stained red with bodies littered all over, broken pumpkins, and candles. "Is this some kind of cult?" What the hell was going on? It was too dark to see my way back. But the flashing lights of the cop cars lead me back. I told them what I found in the clearing, some went to check it out while the others had to de-mask the bodies with the pumpkins on them. To my horror as they lifted the first pumpkin head, It was Dave.

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