Chapter 14 - The Last Day

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"Intelligence... Your mother had it.. A Pretty Ravenclaw she was" 


3rd Person's POV

Y/n, Harry, Ron and Hermione entered a dark room with barely visible statues

"I don't like this...I don't like this at all" Hermione said with a noticeable scared tone

"Where are we?" Ron asked them

"The graveyard?" Harry suggested

"This is no graveyard" Ron  and Y/n said in unihson. They walked in front together

"Y/n.. are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Ron asked her

"uh-huh...." Y/n replied and they looked at each other

"It's a chessboard" They said in Unison

As they recognized, the lamps lighted brightly . Harry and Hermione followed Ron and Y/n into the board.

"There's the door!" Harry pointed

"No Don't go--" Y/n tried to stop them but they already started walking but stopped immediately when the pawns shielded the door with their swords. The trio walked backwards where Y/n was standing

"Now what do we do?" Hermione asked

"It's obvious, isn't it? We've got to play our way across the room...." Ron stepped forward

"All right....Harry,  You take the empty bishop's square...Hermione, You'll be the queen-side castle and Y/n.......go stand on king's square" Ron said and Y/n raised her eyebrows 

"Are you sure making me.. The King?" Y/n asked him

"Yes...and as for me.. I'll be a knight" Ron said and they took their positions

"What happens now?" Hermione asked

"Well....White moves first..and then we play" Ron told them

'Why do I hear the back ground music in my ears....Did I watch this movie more times than I thought' Y/n thought but mentally slapped her 'Don't think of that now!!!!! It is serious in here'

A pawn moved forward, Ron was thinking what should he do but Hermione interrupted him

"Ron, you don't suppose this is going to be like......real wizard's chess, do you?" Hermione asked 

Ron gulped and said..."you there...d5" Ron yelled and the pawn moved forward and when he did the white pawn broke it into pieces with a huge noise. four of them gulped

"Yes, Hermione" Ron said

"Its gonna be exactly like wizard's chess" Y/n said gulping 

As far as the game begun, Ron managed to play wisely without harming any of his friends. Broken pieces were all over the ground. Y/n and Harry could understand the game and then the moment came

"Wait a minute" Harry said

"Ron..don't-" Y/n said but stopped knowing it was the only way

"You understand right, Harry..Y/n" Ron replied

"Once I make my move, the queen will take me...then you're free to check the king" Ron explained

"No! Ron No!" Harry yelled

"You're a chess-genius .. you can think of any else way..just don't" Y/n said, she knew it was the only way but she didn't want Ron to get hurt.

"What is it?" Hermione said not understanding anything

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