Chapter 2

319 33 2

Published :7 Sep 21

Zachary's POV

" So what ?? you're permanently moving here ! " Mark exclaimed as he entered and I just rolled my eyes at him and continued typing on my laptop.

" I don't know why you're hell bent on living my apartment when you have a penthouse !! " He says as he gets himself some water and then chug it down as I continued typing .

Narrowing his eyes at my figure he sits next to me " okay ! So if you gonna live here you gotta pay half of the bills and also buy me food! "

" Could you stop over reacting !! " I muttered to get him stop talking .
It was so peaceful and then he have to come back home

His Home

" I am over reacting !! You have been living in my apartment for almost a week , making me feel like this is your place ! You need to pay at least half of the bills if you live here ! "

" You make more than enough money to pay all the bills then why do you need me to pay half ?? " I questioned him back

He opened his mouth dramatically

" So what ??I am not the one who owns a freaking multinational company and I can always use some saving ....but tell me one thing why you're moving here ?" he lays back in the sofa.

I roll my eyes at my dramatic friend .

" I am not moving in with you , it's just I don't wanna go home so mom can't send me on another stupid blind date ! " I muttered

" But as far as I remember you live in your penthouse ! "

" Yeah! But last time mom popped up at like 2 am so she could set me on a date with this girl Ria Matteo !! I don't wanna take any chances " i gave him a tight lipped smile

" What if she came to the company ! You can't ignore mother forever ! "

" I know ! But I am trying to delay it as far as I can and probably convince her to drop the idea of my marriage "

" Good luck with that ! " He laughed at me " you've been trying to so from almost two years ! " He said making me groan.

" Good night and thanks for the dinner ! " He said as he grabbed some food I ordered for us .


I entered in my company and nodded to every employee who greeted me

As I left the elevator I was greeted by Mrs Griffin who gave me a kind smile with a "good morning " which I returned with the same except the smile.

Not many people worked on this floor but only Mrs Griffin and Miss Green was allowed to use my private elevator .

Mrs Griffin has been loyal to our company and has been working for a very long time . On the other hand Miss Green is my assistant , she is very hard working and passionate .

After knocking Miss Green entered with a my morning coffee " Good morning Mr King , your coffee!" she said with a sweet smile on her face . She placed the tray of coffee cup on the table

" Good morning Miss Green " i acknowledged

" Would you like to go through your schedule now or after the coffee ? " She asked

She never waste time unlike my other assistants .

" Now ! " I replied taking a mental note on what I have to do today

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