Author's Note

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Hello hello! I don't wanna take too much of your time, especially from those of you who've been here since I first started writing this story, because then that would mean I had kept you waiting for around 6 years and that's just too much.

This was the first book that I wrote that wasn't a fanfiction of One Direction and I honestly thought I would never finish it. I've finished other books in the meantime, but I kept pushing this one away. There's something to be said there about growing up and the existential crisis that inevitably comes with it, but I don't wanna get into it.

Instead, I want to thank, from the bottom of my heart, everyone who took their time to read this story, silently moving along or loudly engaging with it in the comments sections. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I sincerely hope you liked it. I'm not gonna say I hope it was worth the wait, because the wait was a few years too long, but deep down you know I do.

As always, feel free to let me know what you thought! Did you like it, love it, hate it? If you're not a fan of leaving comments, drop me a private message, no problem. I really want to know your opinions! For example:

(1) who was your favourite character? what about least favourite?
(2)what was your favourite chapter?
(3) who did you ship the most? the least?
(4) what about friendships?
(5) who do you think had the best ending? and the worst?

Please note: Your answers will not be graded. This is just for our personal entertainment.

Again, thank you, thank you, thank you! All the characters in this book will forever have a place in my heart and so will you!


Growing PainsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ