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Elora Pov~

"You coming or not?" A thick, deep voice inquired. The man put his hands on the door and held it open for me to enter. And should I mention that this guy is enormous compared to my size, with tattoos all over his body and ear and eyebrow pricing? As he waits for me to make a move, his index finger taps impatiently on the door. I take a deep breath in and out slowly, preparing myself for the things that are going to take place in my life tonight. Just one night and this will all be over and forgotten, hopefully. I mean it's just sex, no big deal... but I've never had sex before.

Nodding my head I walk in the room with my heart in my mouth. The man follows after and closes the door behind him. I gulped and watch as he take off his black designer jacket revealing his white shirt. He loosens his tie and unbuttons some of the shirt buttons exposing his tattooed chest. He caught me in my ogling conduct with a glimpse from the corner of his eyes... He's fine, I'll grant you that.

"Why do I get the impression you've never done anything like this before?" He stated this as he approached, bending his head to the side with a puzzled expression on his attractive face.

I took a deep breath and stepped back. He sensed my anxiety and came to a halt in his tracks. "I can do it," I said, my head held high, knowing full well that I couldn't do shit.

A little snicker escaped his lips. "Okay." He said after a minute. "I'll deposit the funds into your account then we'll get down to business."As he ogled my body with sheer lust, he smirked and licked his lips.

I shivered in disgust, but what else can I do? This is the only option left to save my brother. The only close family I have left, I need the money. His fingers swiftly typed on his phone, his face held a frown the entire time."Check your account." He said after placing his phone on the bedside table.

Not letting a next second pass by I checked my account and saw that my balance has increase, one million dollars. This was more than enough money to pay for my brother's medical bill. We also have rent and bills to pay off, playing hide and seek with our landlord has become one of our main hobbies for the past six months. I pity the poor old man.

"Thank you." I whispered still looking at the balance. Don't take me for a gold digger or a greedy person but my parents were killed by robbers when I was 8 and my brother was 16. We grow closer since then, he becomes my brother, mother, and father in one. He's is my everything even though he is a stubborn bastard sometimes. He was in a tragic car accident that killed many, luckily he survived. He came out with severe injuries, brain damage, internal bleeding, three broken ribs, a broken arm and foot, and some deep cuts all over his body. That's why I needed the money, money to pay for his surgeries, medications, and other stuff. I want everything to go as smoothly as possible. Why didn't I just look for a job? I have one but my salary can barely put food on the table much less pay for an expensive medical bill. My brother had a job too but his boss fired him a few days back so that's out of the picture.

"Now let me get something clear. When I'm finished with all this, we do not know each other. Get that?" He stated, this time with a serious face.

Just hurry the hell up so I and get out of this place. I bit my tongue from giving a rude comment. "Yes." That's all I could say. I wouldn't want the man to change his mind and ask me to return his money.

"Good girl, now take your clothes off. " He removed his shirt giving a full view of his stone-hard chest and abs. The guy got muscles all over the place.

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