Mate Mark

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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

"Jack." Jungkook shouted walking towards Jackson's room.

"JACK." He shouted again but again no answer.

"Jackass." This time JK said and as expected Jackson was out not after two minutes.

"Jungkook fuck off." He came fuming.

"Why don't you listen the first time?" Jungkook asked amused, pushing Jackson aside and went inside to sit down.

"What are you doing here? What do you want?" Jackson asked annoyed.

"Don't be a shit. I need your help and I'm not here to hear no for an answer." Jungkook said sitting comfortably on the single bed.

"Wow just wow. What an awesome way to ask for help." Jackson huffed folding his arms on his chest.

"Stop this shit, you know you don't have the choice other than helping me." Jungkook said not even getting bothered by annoyed Jackson.

"What do you want?"

"I need you to help me. Come sit here I'll tell you." Jungkook said and Jackson sat down with him. Jungkook leaned forward and whispered the plan in his ear.

Jungkook and Jackson parted for half an hour and then again Jungkook met him with a small wooden box with him and fully dressed.

"Hide you sent. They shouldn't know we are going to get them." Jungkook said throwing a moon flower perfume toward him.

"I know how to do my job." Jackson was still annoyed.

"Yeah. If they got your scent earlier than we intended , believe me I'll beat the shit out of you." Jungkook said taking out his phone. "I'm going out to make a call. Be ready by the time i come back."

Jackson act all brat and annoyed infront of Jungkook but deep down he love him. The relationship he have with True Blood is so pure, no ego no jealousy. Pure love and sincere friendship.

Jungkook has been equally available to him as he is to Jungkook and they never actually feel bad whenever anyone of them insult or talk shit but no outsider is allowed to do that. They can kill you in the blink of an eye.

"Are you ready?" Jungkook stepped in after like 15 minutes. Phone in hand looking like he is waiting for a message or something.

"Yes. See can you smell me?" Jackson asked.

"Ummm......No. Good." He turned to leave but stopped when his phone dinged. "Take the box." He said opening the message.

Listen to me, if something went wrong, anything i mean any single thing i will rip you apart. Understood?


"Do that yourself." Jackson dropped the box on Jungkook's hand and walked past him.

"You...." Before Jungkook could say anything Jackson started the car.

"Let's go Lazy ass." Jungkook ran upto the car.

"You get on my nerves Jack, more than anyone else. Believe if you were not my friend I would've have killed you without a second thought." Jungkook said sitting in the car.

"Likewise." Jackson replied with a race to the car.

"Like you could!" Jungkook said cockily.

"Don't get cocky, I would've with a bit differently but I would've killed you." The other replied.

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