Shoved in the dirt

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He shuts his eyes and let out a breathy sigh, The thought about them still pisses him off to this day. How dare they...

"Leave. You're nothing but a filthy disappointment." Is what he last heard from his father before he got kicked out.
"I don't want to see your face anymore" The grin on his brother's face as he was getting shoved to the grown by his own father... So, this was his doing... Why am I not surprised?

A knock was heard, disturbing Xingqiu's train of thought. He let out a soft "Come in" and a familiar Xiangsheng enters, Xingqiu looked up to him and sat up.
"Xiangsheng? Is there an occasion that could lead you to me?" Xingqiu asked and Zhongli shook his head and sat on the end of Xingqiu's bed.
Xingqiu is now a bit confused... 'Then what brings him here?' So, he asked that.

"Then what brings you here?"

"Xingqiu, how many times do I have to say just call me by name." He stated and Xingqiu went quiet. He didn't wanna just freely call Zhongli's name like that, he has a higher status than him and it would feel like he's disrespecting the Xiangsheng that stands before him.
Zhongli let out a soft sigh. "Childe has been calling you for 10 minutes now."


He must've been too deep on his thought that he didn't realize someone was calling him.
"Is there something bothering you?" Zhongli asked and Xingqiu shook his head.
"Xingqiu, you're not fooling anyone. What's on your mind?" Xingqiu shivered at the tone, you can lie to Zhongli all you want but he somehow has a way to know the truth.

"J-Just... thinking about the old days..." He stutters a respond and by the looks of Zhongli, he knows what he was talking about.
"You're not in their estate anymore, You're with me and Childe. They're not going to hurt you anymore." Zhongli reassured, patting the bookworm's head and giving him a soft smile.

"I want them to know how I felt when I got my face shoved on the dirt." Xingqiu looked up at Zhongli.

His eyes...

They crave violence,


and mostly...


Zhongli knew Xingqiu is craving for revenge and wanting to hurt whoever wronged him or his loved ones, and that always spark a fire in him.
The two said nothing after that and just sat in each other's silence, but someone had to interrupt it.

"Are you two coming down? The food is about to get cold" A cheerful voice was heard from the door.
Xingqiu chuckled "We're going, we're going"
The two male stood up from Xingqiu's bed and went to the kitchen.
Xingqiu couldn't help but let out a soft smile and Zhongli must've noticed it.
The three sat down and Childe put down the plates filled with food.

"Bamboo Shoot soup?" Xingqiu looked up at Childe with a questioning look.

"what? ~ I wanna be a great husband today and make Zhongli's favorite dish today" Childe said with that usual cheeky grin of him.
Xingqiu just rolled his eyes and went took a bite.
"How was it?" The red head asked. If Xingqiu said it wasn't good he'd be lying, Childe doesn't often cook due to him being a busy man, so it was mostly him and Zhongli cooking.

"I'm surprise your cooking skill are still intact for being such a busy man" He teased, smiling at him.
"Whatever" Childe rolled his eyes. "You'd miss my cooking if I went back to work!" He stated and Xingqiu hate to say it but he's right.
Xingqiu just shrugged and continue eating the food on his plate.

"XIngqiu." He heard Zhongli's voice, making him shiver.

"Y-Yes?.." He stutters a reply.

Zhongli looked at the blue haired boy and smiled. "It's your time to pick a movie"

'Movie?' He huffed. 'Oh, right, movie night.' Xingqiu shrugged and stood up taking the empty plates to the sink. "We'll see what's available, nothing is in mind right now" He replied, and Zhongli nodded also getting up from his seat. "I'll wash the dishes" He insisted.

"You sure?"


"Alright." He stepped outside the kitchen and plopped himself on the couch searching for a movie on the tv.

Meanwhile Childe and Zhongli are having a chitchat in the kitchen.

"You've been eyeing Xingqiu while we were eating." Childe glanced at his husband.. well.. Soon to be.
"Is there a problem with you two?" He asked the older male and he lightly shook his head, drying his hands with a small towel.
"I just noticed how gleeful he is today." Zhongli replied.
"Isn't he always like that?" Asked Childe, looking at his lover who is making snacks.
"It's like a look of a child when they got a new gift for Christmas." Childe just nodded, still a little confused.
"The look as if a wave of nostalgia hit him." He added.

Childe stood up and helped Zhongli with the snacks and the two took them to the living room to where Xingqiu was.

"Found a movie yet?"

Childe smiled and plopped next to Xingqiu's right side and Zhongli sat on the left.
Xingqiu sighed, a bit annoyed that he's being squished by two tall men.
"Seriously? I'm in the middle??" He grumbled and Childe just giggled.
"You're the smallest one here so of course you're gonna be in the middle." Childe teased earning a small punch in the arm by Xingqiu.
"Hey! ow! Stop that!" He rubbed his arm.
"Lay off about my size, I can still kick your asses!" He argued and Zhongli chuckled.

"Are you sure about that?"

That stern voice of his, It immediately silenced everyone in the room, even Tartaglia. A shiver ran down Xingqiu's spine.

"W-Well... I wouldn't be so sure about that Xiangsheng-"

"Zhongli" Xingqiu was cut off. "How many times do I have to remind you?"

"R-Right.. As I was saying.. I hadn't fought you before, It's always me and Childe when it comes to this." Xingqiu fumbled with his fingers.

"What is your point in there?" Zhongli raised an eyebrow.

"I usually read out my enemies attack, like speed, hitting pattern and more."

Xingqiu was nervous, does Zhongli really challenging me to duel? Even when he's training with Childe he still struggles to land a proper blow on him, but Zhongli? I don't think he'd even land a finger on him.
"You don't just train with your enemy just to learn their fighting patterns now do you?"
Xingqiu stayed silent as if he was getting scolded.
Zhongli sighed leaning his head back on the couch. "You're very observing Xingqiu, I'm sure you can read out an enemies attack pretty quick" Xingqiu just nods , a smile creeping on his face.

"Ughh!! You two are boring as hell, can we watch the movie now??" Childe complained and the other males laughed.
Xingqiu grabbed the popcorn and put it on his lap, so the others can have some without fighting for it.

Halfway through the movie the two hydro vision bearers are now cuddling and snoring.
Xingqiu laying his head on Childe's shoulder while the tall male has his arms around on the smaller figure.

He noticed that Xingqiu has been more open to them, he's been livelier and being himself than the last first months when Zhongli and Childe spot him at the entrance of the closed Wanmin restaurant. It was painful for both male to see Xingqiu out in the cold night, abandoned just because of an asshole of a brother.

Zhongli stood up and grab a spare blanket, putting it over on the two sleeping figures, he was gentle as to not wake up their slumber, but he somehow failed as Childe stir aware.
"Zhongli..." He groaned. "C'meree!" He let out a whine, inviting the older to cuddle with the two. He eventually gave in and scoot next to Childe as gently as possible as to not wake up Xingqiu.
He laid his head on Childe's chest, hearing his heart softly beating calms him down, and slowly but surely Zhongli is now falling into his own slumber and soon after Childe follows.

The three laid in the couch in each other's warmth, and in Childe's protective arm.

Loving family. [Yandere AU! Genshin Impact] (TartaLi and Xingyun)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang