Chapter 15, Destabilized

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Chpt. 15 Destabilized

Seren and Hasion were a bit befuddled by what Jeonon had apparently considered 'anyone else of note', but he simply shrugged when they walked in, the two guards outside closing the door again.

It was one of the rooms with the clamp chairs in the middle, and seated in it was a young man perhaps 20 or so, clearly very distraught at the restraints holding him down, and beside Jeonon were three individuals, two of whom seemed remarkably young, the other seeming just... strange.

To Jeonon's left- right, for Seren and Hasion-, was a boy who couldn't be older than 15, though he was likely younger, with curly brown hair to his shoulders, somewhat light blue eyes, dressed in a purple t-shirt with brown-green pants and old shoes, and nothing terribly exceptional besides his age, but for some reason his hands were cuffed behind his back, and he had a muzzle over his face, in addition to the collar and foot shackles. Jeonon was holding him under his right arm, and he looked completely miserable.

To Jeonon's right, was another boy who seemed a little older than the other, but not by much. A yellow-scaled half-dragon bound accordingly; his face was a depiction of agony poorly hid behind dark anger. He was dressed only in a pair of jogging shorts and nothing more, but the look on his face seemed to indicate that being underdressed wasn't what bothered him about his current situation; just Seren's guess.

In the back corner of the room was none other than Narin Pyor, bound no differently than the other regular captives would've been, with his hands cuffed in front of him, his feet in shackles, and a collar around his neck. He was sitting with his knees pulled up to his chest, hiding his face in his hands in shame, it seemed. His dirty clothes were worn and ripped, and he remained silent as his king and queen entered. Jeonon was keeping a few curls of green fire in the air near him, in case he tried to do anything erratic, as he often did.

"Ah, Narin. Welcome home kuff hassir; we've been wondering what you were up to." Hasion said with mock pleasantry.

"H-Hello My Lord." Narin replied uneasily. He seemed somewhat horrified to be back on Torhindred. He didn't look up even after being spoken to, so for the moment, Hasion and Seren simply ignored him.

"So who are these two?" Hasion asked in reference to the two boys beside their son.

Jeonon prefaced his explanation by saying, "Now first of all, just to be clear, I had nothing to do with any of how these two have been treated, alright?"

Seren frowned at him disapprovingly, but he told her, "It wasn't me. I didn't do it. Now, this is Tamri Vilkoi." He said about the muzzled human. "Apparently our men thought he was Alpha Centauri. He does look remarkably close for being unrelated, but whatever. His presence here is simply a mistake. I hope to return him to his family, but until then, I'm not getting anywhere near his life. He's all you."

"Very well..." Seren said. She held her free hand out, and Jeonon let go of Tamri, lightly pushing him towards Seren. He resisted, but she reached forward and took his arm, pulling him over to her, where he let out a muffled squeak, obviously less comfortable than he had been moments ago.

"Now this is- Don't stare at me." Jeonon said to Tamri- it seemed like this had happened before-, who lowered his gaze, having had it fixed on Jeonon's face. "This," He continued, regarding the half-dragon, who huffed and looked the other way, "is I believe Gyrin, is his name. I was told he was taken from his home, hence his... attire. His cousin was captured with him, and is here as well, but he is human. Nothing special. Just figured you may want to see the one and only non-human catch. Tamri! Don't stare at me!" He finished in annoyance. The boy lowered his gaze again, his eyes watering.

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