Episode - 8

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"Next Day Morning"

Y/n Pov : I woke up and it's 8'O clock ...I'm late... Oh god, I quickly got up and checked Joni's room... Thank god he's still sleeping he must be really tired ....
I brushed my teeth and took shower... I wear a comfortable fit and have to prepare breakfast for Hobi.... Umm... 🤔 What's his favourite food?? Ok.. I made omelette and vegetable salad and went to his room. I woke him up...
Whoa, he already got up...

Y/n : good morning Hobi...
Hobi : good morning "cold voice"
Y/n : Hobi I've prepared breakfast for you.. pls come and eat...
Hobi : ok...

Y/n Pov : I'm waiting for Hobi and someone rang the doorbell I was about to go but Hobi went there and opened the door...

Delivery Guy : Sir your order...  "Handed a medium size package"
Hobi : thank you...

Y/n Pov : what did he ordered?? What.. food ? He ordered food for him... But I already told him that I prepared breakfast for him... How can he do that ??

Y/n : you ordered food... Why??
Hobi : why... To eat...
Y/n : but I already told you that I prepared food for you..

Hobi : I don't want to eat.... "Ignoring Y/n while eating the food he ordered"

Y/n : seriously Hobi, how can you say that??
Hobi : shut up Y/n... I don't want to talk with you...

Y/n : What?? Shut up?!
Hobi : yes, and stop acting like a wife.. I will never think of you as a wife...

Y/n : what..... What're you talking??
Hobi : and stop caring about me...
Y/n : then why you acted so nice to me on wedding day...?

"Hobi came closer to Y/n"

Hobi : you know... That day I was about to say that.. sleep in Guest room but fortunately you said it first...
Y/n : then why did you married me??

"Y/n's eyes filled with tears"

Hobi : you wanna know why?? "Raised a eyebrow"

Y/n : don't play games just tell me...
Hobi : ok then listen... "Hobi moved a bit distance from Y/n"

Hobi : You know where I saw you first? In Mr.Lee son's birthday party....
You were with your brother... And I know Yeon likes a girl but I don't know who's that girl. But that day I saw that he confessed to you... That's it... I inquired all about you and your family... I got to know that you have financial problems... That's how I married to you... And the rest you already know...

"Y/n fell on her knees and tearing up"

Y/n : why... Why you've done all this??
Hobi : cuz I don't want that Yeon getting married the girl he loved...
Y/n : but I never liked him....

Hobi : yeah I know....
Y/n : why you hate him ??
Hobi : cuz he's the reason that I lost my best friend... He made a plan that can separate us apart... That's why...

Y/n : "crying" I didn't know that you're
This kind of guy... For your grudge against someone... You approched jisoo and offer her help to marry me...

"Y/n wiped her tears and said"

Y/n : you think I care about you hobi ??
Hobi : yes ofcourse you have to.. cuz I'm your husband...

Y/n : you know since I got married and till I didn't cared for you... I just cared about because you helped my family... That's it...

Hobi : ok then that's great... And Y/n... You can't leave this house and can't go anywhere and cannot tell anyone... That's not good for you and your tiny family... Got it....

Y/n : "sniffs" don't worry I won't....

"Y/n ran to her room and locked the door"

                           ~ TBC ~


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