Press Conference

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I pull up to (y/n)'s apartment ringing her phone. "Hello?" Her calm voice comes through.

"I'm up front. Tell your guy to come down." "Sure." A light scuffle is heard, what I suppose is a kiss makes an appearance causing me to grimace. "Tom's on his way." "Lucky me."

She stays silent on the line. I can tell her nerves are high. "I'm not going to beat him up, (y/n)." She sighs, "I never know with you!"

Tom exits the door of the front and walks to the car. "I like the ride." I wave my hand, "she's nothin."

Tom enters the passenger seat and we speed off. "Was thinkin just a pub. Nothing fancy. Unless you like to be recognised as a big celebrity." Tom shakes his head, "Pub food is good for hangovers" This unspoken tension in the air between the both of us could be broken with a single tap.

Sitting is awkward, trying to make conversation is awkward. Why the hell did I invite this man to lunch? To intimidate him? To see what secret my PR agent hides?

"(y/n) likes her job at lot," he starts off good, "long hours though." He ends with the blade. "She chooses when to work. She's able to put the company on mute after 6."

"Not you apparently."

I lean back with a growing smile. "What you got to say?"

Tom raised his hands, pushing a smile, "I'm just saying she needs time to herself. She needs to have a couple nights where she doesn't get texts at 2 in the morning. Boundaries, you know, mate?"

I clench my fist. Who the hell does this guy think he is? "Yeah, of course, of course. Tell me, Tom, why hasn't she ever mentioned you?" "We both keep things low key. I'm away for at least 4 months at a time." I nod, "so you just keep her stringing along?"

Tom tilts his head, "What is happening? Are you... you into her?" I quickly reer backwards, "She's been distracted at times. I'm getting to the bottom of it. With her position it's not a great idea to have distractions." Tom brings up his phone humming, "you know, Conor, this was great. I've got to run." He flatly leaves through the doors causing me to chuckle, "pussy."



The door slams shut causing me to jump. I toss my book in the air out of shock. Tom storms to me. "That guy is an asshat!"

I smile, "I know, I-" "This isn't funny. He was very pushy about you! What is that all about?" I narrow my eyes, "what are you talking about?" Tom rolls his eye, "do you seriously not see it? He wants you." I laugh covering my face with my book, "my god! Who's idea was this?"

"It's not a joke!"

"You really think Conor is concerned at all with me? You're crazy! He's got Dee at home! We're friends!" He chuckles, "are you serious?"

I shrug, "we're friends, Tom. I work for him."

He shakes his head, walking into my room. He returns with his bag. "I've got to go back to Seattle. They have extra days added on."

"You're leaving?"

He shrugs, "I was going to anyway. Your friend just made it earlier." He goes to the door standing there. "I'll call you, okay?" I nod, holding myself until he walks out leaving me alone. The door opens again and Tom walks closer, he embraces me in his arms, "I'm sorry. That was mean." I break a smile, "it's okay. I should've expected something along these lines." Tom shakes his head, "I don't like him, but I know you love your job." I kiss his cheek before ushering him out.


Conor didn't mention a word of the lunch to me. He acted as if he never even met Tom. He sits in front of my desk scrolling on his phone. "Are you almost ready?" I ask, closing my computer. I stand, walking to the mirror and checking my look. A UFC press conference is all I need on my plate today, especially with it being the first between Conor and Dustin.

Conor places his hands on my shoulders, shaking me lightly. "Calm down, you're not the one talking." Conor leads me to the door, and down to the car. I stayed silent the entire way not from my nerves but from the simple fact Conor was hiding what really happened weeks ago at lunch with Tom. Conor hit my leg with his, "you alright?" I nod rolling my shoulders, "I'm tense." Conor chuckles, "you get so into it. I love it!" I smile looking away quickly.


It wasn't bad. Conor was Conor and talked shit but in a calm and confident manner. It wasn't until the end where the ship got rocky. A fan with the mic asks, "Conor, does your conference come from your wardrobe? It's fantastic by the way." "Ah, thank you so much. Ya know it's a big event, who doesn't wear a nice suit? Have to thank my PR agent and friend, (y/n) for always contacting the best tailors to get the suit to fit my perfect phasic. Unlike Dustin here who rolled right out of bed and into the floor 20 minutes before this conference." The crowd laughs. Dustin rolls his eyes, he scans the room ending with his eyes on me. He smiles and nods his head. "Who you looking at?" Conor looks over and sees me and scoffs.

Conor fires up, "here's what's goin happen. I'm calling a TKO in the first round." The crowd wilds out. Conor's nose twitches and his collar becomes constricted. At that moment Dustin's frame changed. He knew what got under Conor's skin.

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