Chapter Twenty-Two

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We had to walk back, the entire way to the Palace, but I didn't mind

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We had to walk back, the entire way to the Palace, but I didn't mind. I spent the time holding Cyrus' hand for as long as I could until we got too close to the grounds for comfort.

I wished I hadn't felt such a heavy weight from letting go, as I did, but I was admittedly, and eerily attached to him.


Miraculously our rides had already found their way into the barn. Cyrus confessed that he'd expected as much. That horses were creatures of habit, and lucky, he remarked, since Henry had been there to pin them. They'd taken refuge without worry, and Ice, Edith, and seemingly all the world had remained oblivious to any shift between the Sword and I. The sun shined brighter, I believed, and any trace of foul weather; gone. Even the grass had dried.

He smiled as he checked the saddle bags for our things. "You're quiet?" he said. "That's a first."

"C-Can I see you tomorrow?" I asked. My hands held each other, childishly, as I waited for him to refuse. But he didn't. In fact, based on the way his face changed with my words. I realized he had been worried himself.

"And the day after, I hope," he sang. When I agreed, he was pleased.

I could feel the joy spread, and hated how silly it must have made me look. How red my cheeks probably were, stewing in his glow. But. I was a different person now. I was his. His person. And all I could think about- that evening, that night, and that following morning, was how, and when he would touch me like that again.

It wasn't long before life returned to peaceful strolls through forests, group games of 'Catch Me' or 'Hide and Seek,' and romantic rolls in haylofts, blooming fields, and on occasion, the Palace corridors

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It wasn't long before life returned to peaceful strolls through forests, group games of 'Catch Me' or 'Hide and Seek,' and romantic rolls in haylofts, blooming fields, and on occasion, the Palace corridors. Between our stolen kisses, the two of us had fabricated every excuse we could to justify things. Things like why he should be the one to escort me into town for my fittings, or to my room after rides. I often cited how he'd 'saved my life,' which only made Elías slightly jealous, but seemed to work best. And though he never invited himself into my private suite, never even hinted that I should, there were few days I didn't hope he'd ask.

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