thank you.

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author's note: i can't believe how far we've come! thirty-two chapters later, daisy and tewksbury's story has finally come to a conclusion. looking back on it now, it was one hell of a fun ride.

thank you so, so much for taking a chance on this story! when i first started writing this a little over a year ago, i had no idea where it would lead. i didn't know if anyone would read it or if i'd even finish writing it. all i knew was that i loved watching enola holmes and wanted to venture into its universe.

i was afraid it would flop, and in turn, it made me afraid to put my writing out there. a lot of times, while i was working on this story, there was always a sense of doubt i felt. but because of you, and all the love and support you have shown me since the very beginning, i didn't give up. you stuck by me even when i disappeared for months (which i know can be annoying and i'm really sorry!). i will forever be grateful for each and every single one of you.

this story may have come to an end, but i have so many more plans and story ideas i want to share with you! stay tuned for another louis partridge book coming your way very, very soon. i hope you'll love it just as much as you loved this one.

that's all from me, for now! if you want to stay connected, you can find my socials on my wattpad profile. know that i'm here for you if you ever need someone to talk to!

until then, stay safe and please take care of yourselves.

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