Chapter 16

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Coach made us go all out at practice and fuck do my muscles hurt

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Coach made us go all out at practice and fuck do my muscles hurt. So as I walk out of the locker room, I'm wincing every now and then from the pain. And as luck has it with me I am exiting the locker room at the same time as Chase, who grins when he sees me.

"Kitty hey, what you doing right now?" He asks as we walk out of the arena.

"Going to my truck." I smirk. 

Chase rolls his eyes. "I meant like do you have plans?" He's still walking beside me.

I shake my head, "Nope, no plans at all."

"Okay good, come over and hang out." He demands. I chuckle as he goes on, "Oh yeah um, Reid, Rohan and Kai already left'd be great if I could catch a ride with you."

I make an 'o' shape with my mouth, I'm not even going to ask about why they left without him, "How do you know I'm even going to go over?" I try fighting the smile.

He looks at me as we stop at the box of my truck, "Oh c'mon Kitty, how can you say no to me?" Then Chase gives me the most exaggerated pout ever that I burst out laughing.

I recover, "Fine."

Chase smiles as I unlock my truck and he opens the box, he puts both our hockey bags in there. We round the truck and get in, I throw my bag in the back and start the truck.

Chase and I talk during the ride, and at this point I consider Chase to be one of my best friends. If you told me when I first transferred here that I'd be in my truck with Chase Jackson, talking, I'd laugh in your face. 

Chase is in the house first. He yells, "Kitty's here!" Which is followed by a bit hoot, probably Reid.

I take off my coat because it's getting colder, which I'm so happy about. I have my backpack on my back with a change of clothes because I'm in the clothes I was wearing before practice. I walk into the living room, Kai and Reid are sitting on the couch battling on Ice Goal, Rohan is on an armchair.

"What's for dinner?" Chase asks going over to the couch, I'm still standing because I'm about to go in the bathroom and change.

Which I do without telling them. I change into some black sweatpants, and a navy blue tight tee.

I exit the bathroom and into the living, onto the couch. Chase and Kai are now battling on Ice Goal. Reid is on his phone doing shit but as I approach his head swivels towards me, "Nice practice Kitty."

I go and sit on the chair beside Reid. "So were you, your definitely getting getting an offer from the Rangers." I say smiling. I'm not lying, Reid is unbelievably fast, and amazingly good. 

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