Chapter 8

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Its been a few months since we broke broke up. And I'm still aching from the pain. I started to cut. I started to hurt worse. And I couldn't take it.

He came over one night. Out if no where and I wondered why.? We started talking about how short I was. I miss him is all I could think.

He texted me that night and apologized for all the pain he put me through. And of course I forgave him. He was my first true love. What could you expect.?

He said when he hugged me he didn't want to let go. And he said he loves me and misses me. Of course I believed it. But it wasn't true. I found that out a few weeks later.

A Sad Love StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ