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My gut lurched as I stepped into the strange alien mirror like it was trying to crawl its way out of my throat. I gasped, clutching my abdomen as I stared at the gleaming gold tiles. The air was cool, caressing the beaded sweat on the sides of my neck.

Felt nice.

After the worst of it passed, I glanced up.

The prism-like sculptures on the archways towering above my head glistened, throwing blueish prisms of light on the floor. The walls were gold and white with complex patterns that looked like vines and flowers. Four big, luminous spheres floated in the corridor, lighting the space with a muted teal.

Mirrors hung on the walls, casting reflections and bright lights in all directions. A glittering light-filled corridor that reminded me of Versailles's Hall of Mirrors, but with harsher, sharper angles and a haunting, ancient vibe.

You aren't in Kansas anymore, Dorothy.

Shadrach was saying something, but the ringing in my ears drowned it out. His voice echoed around the hallway, amplified tenfold.

I dropped my backpack, a cold bloom of sweat making me shiver.

He stopped in the middle of the speech I wasn't listening to. "Oh. You are ill."

He reached out a hand for me, but I glared at it with narrow eyes. He pulled his hand back as if I were going to snap at it.

As I focused on the waves of pain in my stomach, hoping they stopped, Shadrach put a firm grip on my forearm, yanking me upright, sending my brown hair whipping over my shoulders. "Do not move," he whispered, almost frantically.


It came out like a raspy croak. Nausea was currently clogging my throat.

Under my feet, the brilliant gold veins pulsed like a heartbeat. I looked around, trying to figure out why he was so anxious and wanted me to stay quiet.

Was I messing up the pretty floor with my dirt-covered sneakers? Did this place have library rules where you could only whisper?

How stupid. I'd break that rule in five minutes.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. The feeling of being watched was suddenly suffocating. Something is behind me. I can feel it.

Do I turn around?

I forced back bile and did as he said, remaining as still as possible. But I had to ask. "There's something behind us, isn't there?"

I always had to ask. But maybe I didn't want to know the answer to this one.

I shrieked and cowered into Shadrach as whatever it was came into view. My heart dropped to my toes as my fight or flight kicked in, my eyes refusing to believe what I was seeing.

An enormous eyeball stared at me, its iris shining with silver glitter. An eyeball. It's an eyeball.

I hid behind him, grabbing onto his long trench coat, eyes wide. My voice came out shrill. "Oh god. What is that? What the hell is that? Make it go away!"

Shadrach glanced down at me with burning eyes. "Lower your voice! Remain still. You will not suffer any harm from it. It is determining whether you are authorized to be here."

My heartbeat roared in my ears. "Am I?"

"Of course. Now stop clinging to me."


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