Chapter 53 The face off

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You say in love we forgive.

I say in love we regret.

           Either way,

It's our destiny that won the bet.

          Few days later

The eerie silence of the night resembled the deadly silence in the basement.

The sound of water drops falling every alternate second, the only thing audible.

A man sat on a seat, a piece of cigarettes in between his lips. As he stared at someone in front of him, who was tied in chains and covered in bandages.

His eyebrows furrowed as he took a last whiff and threw away the cigarette, crushing it below his feet.

A guard steps forward, bowing and he nods at him. Asking him to continue.

"Shall I?"

He asks and James nod. Leaning back on his seat. Ready to get the game playing.

The guards move forward and one of them steps behind the man, removing the blindfold.

Making the man to cringe, as the bulb light blinded him for a second.

"What the fuc-"

He curses struggling to open his eyes. To only have James press his elbows on his thighs and lean closer.

"You are a tough man Ethan."

Ethan curses opening his eyes to look at James. He tries to move his hands to only find them tied on the handrest of a wooden seat and he stills.

Looking at the bounds ,James sighs.

"Sorry for the restraints. It just a convention."

Ethan stills, leaning back his head on the seat. His body hurted like sh**. But atleast he was alive.

"Few broken bones, a concussion, broken ribs and few stitches in your head. "

"Doctor's said your survival was difficult. But here you are."

He says looking at him from top to bottom.


There is silence for next few minutes to only have Ethan look up at him. A bandage covering his head and few others wrapped around his torso and thigh.

"Why did you save me?"

He asks to have James smirk. Placing on leg on top of another. He continues.

" I don't know what you think about me but I am not that heartless that I will leave a man dying."

Ethan clenches his fists, looking at him and scoffing.

" You can let the veils drop James."

"I already know well about the heartless man behind these fascades."

James chuckles getting up. Moving behind Ethan and placing his hands on his shoulder.

"You hurt my feelings Ethan. One shouldn't say such harsh words to your savior."

Ethan breathes heavily , saying nothing. As James leans closer. Whispering in Ethan's ear from behind.

"But I got to admit. You got me there."

"I didn't save you for nothing.Everything has a price."

James comes forward and Ethan looks up at him. His eyes burning in rage, seeing the man behind everything.

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