Romanowski and Rosemary

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His hands, so much bigger and rougher than mine, skim my bareback in slow strokes as I tremble in ecstasy. The hands that speak of harsh warrior training but of ultimate gentleness at the same time.

I move closer to his warm body, goosebumps rising on my arms at the cold early morning wind entering our sleeping spot made on the palace's roof. 

"Mila," he whispers, and it feels like soothing honey being poured into my ear. 

Overwhelmed by the way we were last night, so much pleasure for me to handle; I hide my face in his chest, clutching on the flimsy linen covering our upper bodies. 

The hand stroking my back now tightens its grip, holding me so strongly against him, I didn't want to break free. 

Taking my head from his chest, he places it deliberately over the pillows. With his body over mine, a lazy morning smile graces his rugged face.

I quickly shift my gaze, reddening profusely. But that only encourages him to press his lips over my now exposed neck.

"Julian…" I breathe out. His kisses have become stronger, not allowing me to calm my heartbeat as he nibbles at my collarbones, down toward the armpit and below, sucking at sides of my tender flesh, around the curve when I gasp out, pulling his head right above my face as I catch my breath.

"Mhm, what did you stop me for?" he slurs, jet black morning hair all dishevelled over his forehead. 

"I- it's daylight. Y- You can see me," I stutter urgently, but his smile only increases. 

"I have a good night vision," he nods to himself, bringing his mouth next to my ear. "Should I remind you that a particular someone was moaning my name while in deep sleep?"

He chuckles into my ear and heat razes my barely covered upper body. Oh, God. I must be mumbling his name in my sleep. 

Even though I want to stop him, that voice inside me seems like a hallucination. The bigger voice is of a somewhat changed Coretta who wasn't shying away from relishing the feeling that she was feeling for the first time.

"Isn't it obvious? After what you did last night," I retort somehow, taking him by surprise. 

His light brown eyes twinkle in satisfaction. "So I guess you don't have any qualms with practising step two again?" The linen covering us was long gone as I cover my chest in a futile attempt, just to entice him. Because his single hand was enough to pull my hands apart and pin them beside my head.

He grins, eyes locked on mine. "I wonder if you'll remain this feisty once I iterate what all you were mumbling about me."

More so from my semi nakedness, I am panicked by what he must've heard.

Because God damn me if I wasn't dreaming about him.

A bit too sleazily. 

I gulp in trepidation and he notices that single action, bringing his mouth to the centre of my throat to suck harshly and I'm left out of breath.

I am lost. This was too much and too good for me to feel.

"Julian…" he tries to mimic my voice, failing miserably but continues anyway, "You are so sexy-"

I slap my hand over his mouth, my eyes wide as his' turn to mischief. 

"Don't." I give him a pointed look.

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