Part 14

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That was the best sleep I've had all summer. I told Christian as much, and he agreed with me. Take that insomnia.

Me and Christian slept on the beach until 5:30, yes, really did sleep. He kissed me again at the bottom of the stairs, and kissed my forehead again before we went to our rooms. I sound like a middle schooler with her first boyfriend, but I feel all gooey and bubbly. 

I didn't sleep when I got back into bed, I just sat there smiling at the roof like an idiot for 2 hours. Kat poked her head in my door just after 7:30, asking if we wanted to eat breakfast together. 

I'm currently sitting at the kitchen bench, eating a bowl of yogurt with granola and berries. Kat butters a piece of toast before taking a seat next to me.

"So, how's life." Kat asks, looking me between the eyes.

"Pretty good, to be honest. I can't sleep so I'm feeling tired, but it's fun being here. How're you?" I reply, lifting a spoonful of yogurt to my mouth. 

"Yeah, good. I love being here, in this house. I wish we could never leave." she says, looking around the bright kitchen. 

"So anyway, now that we're alone, I wanted to tell you something. But please don't hate me." she speaks again, eyeing me warily. 

"We're best friends for a reason right, you can tell me anything Kat."

Kat doesn't speak for a minute, instead shoving her piece of toast into her mouth. 

"Well, okay, so I don't know why, but I think I sort of... like your brother. I don't know whether it's just because we're stuck in this house together all the time, or what, and we haven't done anything or whatever, but... please don't hate me!" she says, her head now buried on the table. 

"Wait, really!" I say, excitedly.

I'm only slightly shocked. I mean, they've been talking a lot more since being at the house, and it's not like I'm mad at her. If I'm being honest, I sort of love the idea of Kat potentially dating my brother. Legally, it would make us one step closer to being sisters. 

"Wait, you're not mad." Kat asks, looking shocked. 

"No, of course not. I'm happy, actually." I reply, a slight smile crossing Kat's face.


"Yes, really, as long as he treats you right I'm happy. But, if you are going to potentially start something with him, just take it slow, as hard as it is, maybe don't get too swept up in the whole summer false-reality thing, because I don't want to see you get hurt. But don't worry, if he breaks your heart, I'll break his kneecaps."

Kat lets out a loud laugh, before grabbing my pinkie finger.

"Okay, I pinkie swear that I'll try my best to stay realistic."

"And I'll pinkie swear to break his kneecaps."

We shake on it, or pinkie on it, I don't know, before going back to our breakfasts.

"Ok, now I've said my bit, spill.

I choke on my granola.

"What do you mean?" I say, trying to keep my face as neutral as possible. Kat rolls her eyes at me.

"You know exactly what I mean. What is happening with you and Christian."

What do I say? I know I said I wanted to take it slow to see if we really worked, but Kat is my best friend, and we tell each other everything.

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