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I WOKE UP to the sound of my stomach growling. A reminder that I still had yet to eat anything.

Shifting under the soft white bed linens, I squinted my eyes at the bright ray of sunlight that peaked through the window curtains. Groaning, I turned away from the annoying light, only to come face to face with a sizeable feathered wing draped loosely over Elias's sleeping form.

Now that I thought about it, I never spent a night with him back at C.R.O.S.S. Labs so that I wouldn't know if anything has changed. However, these past few days, he looked so peaceful when he slept.

His bare chest rose and fell with each steady breath he took, oblivious to the rays of sun that illuminated his sleeping form. For a moment, I entertained the idea of nudging my way beneath his wing to lay against his chest for a few more hours of sleep. I thought against it in the end for fear of disturbing him. I figured after all the alcohol last night; it would be best to let him sleep in.

With a sigh, I gathered enough motivation to sit up in the bed and stretch my arms above my head with one big yawn.

Rubbing my eyes, I took a look around the quaint guest room we were housed in. With a full bed, closet, country-style window, and simple nightstand, it was quite a downgrade from what I was used to living with my mother back in California. But honestly, I didn't need anything more. Glancing back at Elias, I smiled.

I had everything I needed; it was perfect.

Speaking of my mother, I should probably call her. I thought to myself.

Tightening the robe around me, I slipped out of bed and made my way to the door. Opening the wooden door, I saw a pile of folded clothes neatly placed on the ground by my feet. My stomach growled again, and I stepped around the pile, making a note to bring the clothes in after I had eaten something.

Making my way to the kitchen, the wooden floor creaked beneath my tired steps. I paused at the door when I noticed Aileen was already in the kitchen, dressed and seated at the small dining table with a mug cradled in her hands.

"Good morning, dear, you're up early," Aileen said, smiling over her steaming cup of coffee.

"Good morning," I replied, finally moving from the doorframe to enter the kitchen.

"The pot's over there if you want to pour yourself some coffee. There's a skillet with eggs and potatoes too," Aileen added.

"I'd love some, thank you," I said gratefully, quickly moving towards the food. Approaching the counter, I took a plate, loading it with the warm cheesy eggs and fried potatoes Aileen had prepared, leaving some for Elias. Finally, I filled an empty mug with some freshly brewed coffee and took a seat by Aileen at the table before eating.

I could feel Aileen's eyes watch my hurried eating with amusement, but she stayed quiet. It didn't take long for me to finish the entire plate and my coffee. Once I did, I let out a sigh and leaned back in my chair, finally full.

"Worked up an appetite, have you?" Aileen asked suddenly.

"You have no idea," I replied, letting out a long breath as I thought of everything that happened yesterday. The long drive, car crash, hike through the forest...just thinking about it made my body ache anew.

"Good for you girlie! I knew he fancied you, I could see it in his eyes," Aileen chuckled, patting me on the shoulder before getting up from her chair to refill her coffee.

I was at a loss. For the first couple of seconds, it took me to process what she said that is. Then my face flushed bright red.

"Wha-oh...No! It wasn't like that, it was just a long day yesterday, that's all," I fired back.

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