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"Hi Daloni, are you feeling okay?" Ms. Walker asked with a warm smile sitting next to his bed in a chair. She had to speak with him privately so that she could finally present his case to the court.

Heaven had passed all of the parenting and new parent classes. Ms. Walker had said that she would put in a good word for her with the judge and present her case next week.

Daloni stared at Ms. Walker and then went back to smashing his trucks together. Ms. Walker was very aware of Daloni's nonchalant attitude, so she knew it would be hard trying to get him to talk today.

She pressed the record button on her recorder and sat it on the nightstand. If she could get Daloni's voice on tape and his wishes then it would also look good in court.

"Daloni what's your name?" She asked him.

He ignored her and let out a frustrated groan. Ms. Walker was asking him to many questions already.

"Daloni can you tell me your name?" Ms. Walker asked again.

"Daoni papa." Daloni said, trying his best to say his name. He thought that he had two names so he always put his real name with his nickname.

Heaven stood on the outside of the door, anxious as ever. Her fingernails were getting the blues as well as her scalp. She knew that Daloni was still learning a lot of things, so she just hoped that he understood most of what Ms. Walker was saying. Part of her was glad that the hospital cancer rooms had clear windows and doors so you could see inside his room.

"Who is your favorite person in the whole world?" Ms. Walker asked.

"Mommy." Daloni pointed at Heaven. Heaven blew him a kiss and smiled at him.

"Do you love your mommy?" Ms. Walker asked him, writing down notes in his file. She would have to write down that Daloni referred to Heaven as his mom.

"Love you too mommy." Daloni yelled, with his hands in the air. He thought that Ms. Walker told him that Heaven said she loved him.

"When you get all better like Spider Man, where do you want to go?" Ms. Walker asked, bringing the recorder closer to Daloni.

Daloni just stared at his social worker. The sentence was way to long so he couldn't understand it. Instead of saying anything he just stayed silent. Daloni's brain was still recovering and growing so he couldn't understand long sentences like other kids his age yet.

Ms. Walker figured it was time to bring someone other than Heaven in. Heaven wasn't allowed in the room because they didn't want him basing his answers off of her presence.

Ms. Walker stood and went to the door opening it. "Is there anyone else that's a caregiver, that can sit in on this. I think he's getting a little frustrated." She asked Heaven.

Heaven immediately turned to Jayda who was during her clinical notes. Jayda was the only other person besides Heaven that knew everything about Daloni.

"Jay, can you go with her? It shouldn't take long." Heaven asked.

Jayda took off her glasses and nodded her head. "He okay?"

"Yes he's fine, he's just getting a little frustrated. It'll help him if he sees someone he's used to." Ms. Walker replied. Jayda nodded her head and followed behind the lady back into Daloni's room.

"Daloni when you get all better like Spider Man, where do you wanna go?" Ms. Walker asked again, waiting to hear his answer. She frowned as she was met with silence again.

"The question is to long, he can't comprehend what you're asking. Try breaking it down into simpler words." Jayda said, looking at Daloni's frustration.

Heaven WarriorWhere stories live. Discover now