2: The Lights

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Percy POV

As soon as the door swung open, white lights flashed around me and Annabeth. I gasped as my hands raised to shield me from the blinding lights.

I heard Annabeth scream from beside me, but I had no idea where she was. My vision was still blotchy from the light.

A dark figure suddenly stepped in front of me.

"No, get away," I shouted.

I swung the knife and hit someone. However, it simply bounced off the guard's protective padding. He grabbed my wrist and kneed the blade out of my hand. Adrenaline pumped through my blood as I punched him.

The security staggered back. Honestly, I was pretty sure that the punch hurt me more than it hurt him. After all, his mask was made out of tough plastic.

I tried to run, but the guards tackled me to the ground. Several screams and shouts were reverberating through the room.

"Percy," Annabeth's voice exclaimed.

I groaned as some guard's knee pressed into my back. The floor was cold, and the pressure was aching. Then, they lifted me and placed me into a chair. Metal cuffs fixed my arms and legs to the chair.

I was stuck yet again.

"Subjects in room #4 have passed phase 1," a monotone voice spoke. The speakers buzzed obnoxiously before cutting off.

For the first time, I took notice of my surroundings.

Fourteen chairs were set up in a large circle, some of them were filled while others were empty. Logic dictated that the others that were already present were also kidnapped. We were all kidnapped and forced to escape.

Right now, besides me, there were 7 others tied to the chairs. My gaze locked onto each one of them as I studied my fellow prisoners.

One woman (who looked a few years older than me) was visibly pregnant. A large Asian dude was bleeding from the forehead, but he seemed okay. Another African American girl couldn't stop fidgeting in her seat.

Suddenly, screaming erupted behind me. I couldn't see what was going on, but the menacing (all-in-black) guards quickly dragged two more candidates into the seats. One of them, who had blonde hair and electric blue eyes, was strapped in next to me. His gaze was wild, probably because of the initially blinding lights.

I realized that everyone was in their early-to-mid twenties.

"Who are you people?" I shouted.

"QUIET," a guard snapped. A hard punch smacked my head. I felt blood pool in my left ear as my head knocked to the side. God, damn.

"Subjects in room #11 have passed phase 1," the same robotic voice informed.

My gaze locked onto Annabeth, who was already looking at me. A silent message passed between us. We had to be careful or they'll hurt us.

Several minutes passed by similarly. I was simply looking around the room at the security guards who were stationed to collect escapees. Then, I studied the other kidnapped members of our group. Some certainly seemed more able than others.

"I was literally on campus when they took me," the boy next to me whispered. He frowned as he shook his head.

I turned towards the blonde guy. He was someone that I could see myself being friends within normal life. He seemed genuine.

"I was walking home from work," I said quietly.

His blue eyes locked onto mine as he nodded. I could see him gulping down his emotions before trying to break out of the bonds. But, it was useless. We were trapped by metal.

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