T H I R T Y - S I X

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" How about Jasmine?"







You watched as Steve sighed, shaking his head. 

"You know we might be able to pick a name faster if you suggest names too." You mumbled, crumbling the list of names in your hand and tossing it in the pile of recycling. "Unless you're suggesting we name our baby Nope."

Steve ignored you, his eyes remaining fixed on the assembly instructions for the crib you had ordered so you continued to rant on.

"It's like Hope but with an N. I can see it now. One day she's little baby Nope, then the next it's Nope you just wait until your father comes home!"

Steve finally cracked, a small smile appearing on his lips as he stood up from his spot on the floor. 

"One thing at a time, sweetheart. One thing at a time." He said, kissing the top of your head and then rolling the crib against the wall. Taking a few steps back, he crossed his arms over his chest assessing his handy-work. "I wonder what all those extra screws were for. Hope they weren't important."

"What!" You screeched, reaching over the pile of abandoned parts for the instructions.

"Relax, they're just spares." He chuckled, walking over to where you were still sitting on the floor. Bending down he moved the instructions from your hands and pulled you into a standing position. "You think you're the only one with a little sarcasm around here? I was raised in Brooklyn."

You huffed a little, the panicked visions of the crib coming apart with your baby falling to the floor fresh in your mind as he pulled you into a hug. His chin was resting on the top of your head as you buried your face in his chest, enjoying the closeness. You could've stayed like this for eternity and still it would never be enough. 

"We're going to come up with something great. When the right name hits us, we'll know."

When he went to move away you just held onto him tighter, not ready to let him go. You had spent the last few months doing nothing but preparing for your baby but the whole prospect of actually being a mother still scared you deeply. It was moments like these that give you peace. Knowing that you had a partner to parent with, someone that understood exactly how it felt to be completely terrified and extremely excited for parenthood all at the same time kept your nerves low. This wasn't a step you had ever imagined taking this early on in your life but now that it was happening it felt right, as if this had been what was meant to happen all along. 

The door bell rang, causing you to jump slightly. You walked out of the almost finished nursery, heading straight for the front door that had now been rung a second time and pulling the door open. 

"Jesus, you got huge!" 

Nat elbowed Sam in the stomach.

"You know that's probably one of the worst things you could possibly say to a woman." She glared at the man next to her pointedly making you laugh.

"Even a pregnant one?" Sam asked, as Nat came through the door, giving you a quick hug.

"Yes Sam, especially a pregnant one." You teased, laughing at the slightly ashamed look on his face before giving him a hug as well.

You ushered them inside, taking their coats and hanging them in the closet by the door. When you lead them down the hall Steve greeted them happily, quickly pulling three beers from the fridge and a lemonade for you. In no time you were all sitting in the living room, you curled up on the couch next to Steve, Sam and Nat in the armchairs across.

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