Chapter 25

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"Drake! What are you doing?" Elly looked at me with fear in her eyes. She tried to get up one more time but I held her tightly. "Let me go!" She looked around frantically afraid of others seeing us together. I knew she didn't want to let others know about us being mates. But it was time for her to accept it.

"Nobody is here. Not even the librarian" I assured.

"What?! A..are you saying we're alone?" She got nervous.

"Yes! You didn't want anyone to see us, right?" I bit back my smile.


"Elly!" I cupped her face and turned it towards me. She gasped seeing my face inches apart from hers and her breathing became uneven. I held a breathe too as strange feelings stired up inside. I wanted to kiss her so badly. But no!....not before I explained everything to her.

"Elly, we need to clear out some misunderstandings" I said trying to control myself. Her breaths fanned my face making tiny sparks spread through my skin. I groaned inwardly and looked at her face. She looked confused but was listening. I let out a deep sigh. Here we go!

"I want to explain everything that had happened two years ago. From my side!" She had a hurtful expression on her face and I knew she didn't want to reminded of it again. But she nodded her head telling me to continue. I smiled thankfully.

"Since I was very young all I wanted in my life was a happy and loving family like my parents. They are mates and the love I witnessed was something I wanted to share with my mate" I looked at her again and she blushed. I loved her red cheeks and she looked adorable!

"So that's why I never had any girlfriends in my life and it annoyed me a lot when other girls threw themselves at me hoping I would start something with them" I continued. "I knew most of them had a crush on me including you and some still are"

"But it wasn't me who wrote that letter and...the crush I had on you was an innocent crush. I wasn't ever going to confess it to you" Elly declared and looked at me hoping I would understand her. I nodded.

"I know that now, but at that time I didn't" I pointed out. "I was glad when you didn't behave like other girls and also hoped you wouldn't. Because you're my best friend's sister and I didn't want to hurt you" She smiled and gestured me to continue. "So when I listened to that letter I got angry. You weren't the first one to confess like that on my birthday but I was having enough and when Biyanka read that letter infront of everyone, I felt hurt and was disappointed" I sighed. "So I lashed out on you letting out my all emotions and I said those words out of anger"

I grabbed her hands and looked into her eyes, "I didn't mean any of those words Elly, and I regret for treating you like that. Please forgive me Elly and please give me a chance. I would do anything you asked me to do except rejection"

For that she laughed. A genuine melodic laugh! And I smiled along with her feeling relaxed and happy. She never smiled infront me and that laugh meant she wasn't angry with me anymore. I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my chest.

"Okay! I'll give you a chance" she said after a few minutes. I hugged her tightly and let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you baby! You don't know how much that meant to me" I whispered. She squeezed my hand.

"And I'm not comfortable about letting others know, not yet. So can we keep this as a secret for now" She asked worrying about my reaction.

"Sure!" I smiled, "anything for my beautiful mate!" She blushed instantly and I wanted to kiss her rosy cheeks. "But I have to tell my friends. You know they helped me a lot and they would be happy for us"


"And stop using perfumes!"

"No! You will mark me the moment you smell my scent. It happened before"

"I'm going to mark you whether I smelled it not"

"What?!" Her face was deep red.

"That was the third time I smelled your scent. If I had gotten used to it nothing would've happened" I shrugged giving my point.


"And I won't mark you without your consent. I promise you that"


"Yes! And you have to promise me that you're not going to run away from me again"


"Elly!" I said in a stern voice even though I was afraid of her reply.

She giggled, "Okay! I promise you"

"Thank you love!"

I leaned in and kissed her temple. Elly looked into my eyes searching for something that she wanted to see. And I knew she found it when her eyes reflected the same emotion as mine. Love!

Her heart started to beat faster and her breathing became uneven. My heart was also hammering against my chest and I leaned in closer. I felt the bond getting stronger and we were slowly slipping into our own world. I cupped her face and tingles spread through my hand. She closed her eyes and............the bell rang. Urgh!

Her eyes snapped opened and she jumped back to her chair covering her face with her hands.

"Oh my God!" She mumbled embarrassed.

I chuckled and grabbed her hand placing a kiss on it.

"I'll see you later, my mate!"

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