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"ARE YOU mad?" Sollel asked Hakken as they entered the room Sollel rented. Sollel didn't feel uncomfortable at all. She was already used to traveling with Hakken that sleeping on the same bed was not really big of a deal to her. "Is it maddening to you that I don't care about humans?"

Hakken closed the door and stayed close to it. "Yes, my lady."

Sollel smiled softly and sat on the edge of the bed. "If the humans you love and care so much betrayed you, caged you, used you, and took everything you hold dear away from you...would you still care for them? Would you still give them a chance?"

Hakken became silent.

Sollel sighed. "Hakken, I'm not stopping you from treasuring humans. It's your right. You can love them as much as you want. I will respect that. That said, I expect the same respect when it comes to my hate toward humans. Do not tell me what to feel because you don't know my pain."

Hakken clenched his fist.

"To me, humans are my enemies," Sollel added coldly. "And showing compassion to my enemies is cruelty to myself."

Hakken closed his eyes, and when he opened them, it was void of emotion. "I'm sorry for asking you to give them a chance."

Sollel nodded. "It's okay as long as you understand. And I'm sorry too for lashing out on you. We're still a long way to Ager. I want to travel in peace."

Hakken finally took a step toward the bed and stopped in front of Sollel. "My lady?"


"I want to sleep on the floor."

Sollel couldn't help chuckling at how serious Hakken sounded. "You don't want to share the bed with me?"

Hakken looked away, hiding his flustered face. "I want to treat you right, my lady."

Sollel actually expected that already, so she was not surprised. Surprisingly, as flirtatious as Hakken was, he never once crossed the line, always showing respect when needed. Maybe that's why she was comfortable with him because she knew Hakken would never take advantage of her.

Or is it because I can burn him to crisp if he tries? Sollel chuckled at that thought and handed a pillow and a cover to Hakken. "Here. You should rest. I know you're tired."

"And you, my lady?"

Sollel shrugged and teased Hakken, "Maybe I'll take a bath and then watch you sleep?" Seeing Hakken froze made Sollel laugh a little. "Hakken, for a flirtatious man, you are very prude."

Hakken busied himself taking his blade off on his back and spreading the cover on the floor as he muttered under his breath, "I'm only like this to you, my lady."

Sollel laughed a little and went inside the bathroom, leaving Hakken alone. And seeing his lady leave, Hakken let out a relieved breath as he lay on the floor, staring at the ceiling of the inn.

Enveloped with silence, Hakken remembered his lady's words.

If the humans you love and care so much betrayed you, caged you, used you, and took everything you hold dear away from you...would you still care for them? Would you still give them a chance?

Hakken pressed his lips together when he remembered what his answer was earlier when his lady asked him that. If they took my lady away and hurt her...I would probably kill them all.

A wry smile appeared on Hakken's lips. How hypocritical of me saying not all humans were bad and now thinking of annihilating them for a single person... Hakken wanted to laugh at himself. What idiocy am I spouting? What happened to my original goal?

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