Chapter 13 A Dream it is

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Bang! ....... Bang!

Every few seconds the noise would stop, then it would be heard again. She wondered if it was just in her dream until this time, it was louder, and her eyes popped open.

She looked out her window and jumped when she saw something hit it. Getting out of her bed, she walked towards her window and looked down, seeing no other than Kyle. He was bending down, grabbing another rock and she opened her window, his eyes snapping up to her quickly as if he heard her.

Of course, her scent only traveled directly to his nose.

"Are you crazy?!" She whispered and he dropped the rocks with a chuckle. She leaned against her window, smiling.

She remembered the first time he'd ever done this. Of course, they were up to no good that day. It was the homecoming game. He was a freshman; she was in 8th grade. Their parents told her no because it was mostly high schoolers going, but he wouldn't leave without her.

"C'mon. I'll catch you. I promise" he'd said. She looked down from her window, shaking her head repeatedly. She was only one floor up, if she jumped, she wouldn't injure herself, but the thought scared her.

"Please. For me?" He pleaded.

"Kyle. Just go." She huffed and he shook his head. Then he sat down, laying his jacket out, laying down on it.

"What are you doing?!" She whispered, her hands on the edge of the window, looking down.

"I'll wait for you out." He shrugged and his eyes closed.

No way could she let him do it. Besides, she wanted to go as well. Running into her closet, she grabbed her jacket and slid on fuzzy boots. She made sure to stack her pillows and throw the blanket over them as if she were there.

"You promise?" She whispered and he looked up, staring at her.

"I promise" He got up, putting on his jacket and she threw her leg over, now standing on the roof. She closed her window, sticking a pencil underneath so it wouldn't close, and he moved back, preparing to catch her.

"Don't think, Jordan." She reached the edge of the roof, and she closed her eyes and jumped, falling straight on Kyle, making a thud as they hit the ground. She giggled as he groaned with a "ow"

He laughed, brushing her hair back and staring at her with eyes that held emotion she couldn't decipher, not that she paid much attention. "Told you" He whispered.

They went to the game that day but later her parents were sitting on her bed when she returned. It was worth it.

"Put on something warm," he said. She smiled and closed her window, going in her closet and doing just that. She was older now, no need to sneak out of her own house though it made it much more fun when there was a risk. She closed the door, locking it and turned around to Kyle.

He was grinning. "It's 2 in the morning" she said, folding her arms and he shrugged, throwing his arm around her, hers went around him and they started walking.

"You know. I remember the first time you did that" she said, and he looked down at her.

"What? Homecoming?" He asked and she nodded making him chuckle.

"Yeah. I hurt my back that day. Totally worth it" He grinned, staring ahead. With the moonlight shining on his face, he looked even better. She could see the stubble on his chin better, he was growing up perfectly. Flawlessly.

When she saw his eyes, they weren't filled with secrets anymore. They weren't dark. They were heavenly. He didn't seem like he had a stack of problems on his back. A bag of struggles to carry. Seemed weightless. Like as if anything he ever worried about was gone, suddenly disappeared. His peace was what made his eyes heavenly, not his hazel color that was familiar in the boy she knew as her best friend, but the feelings, emotions and unsaid words underneath them.

 Mystique: Ruthless Red Eyed Wolf | Book One|✓Where stories live. Discover now