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- 15 years and 9 months ago -

"STOP LYING TO ME" Vitali roared out with rage, veins bulging out of his neck. " I SAW YOU WITH THE SAME MAN LAST NIGHT THAT I' VE BEEN SEEING YOU WITH FOR THE PAST 6 MONTHS." He yelled banging his hands on the desk.

"FINE, YEAH!! I WAS WITH ANOTHER MAN" Laura (Stella's mom) spitted back with venom laced thickly in her voice. "Because I'm tired of being trapped here with you and those monsters! I was only here for what you offered me! You payed me to bare your children and that's what I did!" She said with a dark smirk spreading on her face.

Vitali tightly gripped the desk trying to contain his anger. "You're damn right about one thing, I did pay you to bare my kids but that doesn't make you any less of their mother or my wife'" he spitted with signs of anger and frustration clear on his face. "The fact I actually fell in love with someone like you is revolting" he said as he stood up from the leather chair , striding slowly toward Laura with a menacing aura. Stopping right in front of her face. "But if I ever hear you insult MY kids again; I don't care if you are a woman , I will tear you to pieces" he sneered as the stench of death drenched every word.

Causing Laura to flinch front the harshness evident in the man's voice. " T-those things aren't my children. They never will be. I rather die than be your wife or those monster's mother!" She shouted and smirked regaining any confidence she had left.

"Out" Vitali said dangerously low. "W-what?" Laura said with confusion growing on her face. "Get . Out.... NOW" Vitali roared once again leaving no room for disagreement. "G-GLADLY, AT LEAST I WON' T BE STUCK IN A HOUSE FULL OF MONSTERS" Laura finalized, spinning on her heels and walking towards the door with no intention of coming back. Before fully leaving the house she stopped, turned and yelled, " I HATE YOU AND THOSE GOOD FOR NOTHING DEVILS". Quickly scurrying out the door shortly after.

- Present Time -
Stellas POV
"WHY CAN'T YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT YOU WHORE" my 'mother' shouted at me, hatred clear on her face. She then kicked me in my stomach, which made me fall to the ground. Resulting in another kick to my spine. I groan hold my stomach with trembling hands. "Please...I-I didn't mean to forget.." I tried to reason with her knowing it wouldn't lead to never did.

"I promise I won't forget next time...please just stop.." I begged, slowly getting on my knees; ignoring the sharp pains in my stomach and back. I put my head on my flat hands that were on the ground. My 'father' chuckled and said "Maybe be should give her the punishment for such disrespectful behavior". I froze, shaking in cold sweat; knowing what he was referring to.

No no no , not that...ANYTHING BUT THAT. Beg Stella ,come on! Do anything to stop from getting that punishment.

"Please..please..PLEASE..don't put me in THERE!" I pleaded while shaking my head.
"SHUT THE F*CK UP" my 'father' roared, causing me to flinch.

My 'mother' smirked devilishly and spoke with nothing but hatred and venom. "Sure, let's put her there, maybe she'll learn a thing or two about her disobedience." Right when she finished that sentence, my heart dropped to the pit of stomach, sweat forming on my forehead.

Stop them! Don't let them take you there! Plead more! Maybe they'll just end the night with a beating like always...

Before I could open my mouth to continue to hopelessly convince them. My 'father' grabbed my arm and started to drag me to the basement.


That's when I started to fight. Trying to make him release the iron grip he had. Sighs, that will definitely leave a mark. After many failed attempts at trying to get him to release me. He whips around, punching me straight in that jaw.

"Keep fighting me Stella, because the more you fight me... THE LONGER YOU'LL STAY THERE" he screamed in my face.
With me falling in and out of consciousness, we finally make it to the basement door.

After my 'father' digs in his back pocket to retrieve to key to unlock it. Pulling it out with a sickening grin on his face. He proceeded to unlock the door only to be met with stairs leading down into complete and horrifying darkness.

"Maybe this will help you understand to not disrespect us again" he said in a mocking tone.


As tears started clouding my vision. Making my breath hitch and my nose start to run. I feel my weight being pushed down the creaky wooden steps leading to the darkness that was waiting for me. My hand meeting with the uneven stairs, bending my arm in a unnatural way causing something in it to crack. I screamed in panic and pain as I fell down the rest of the steps. Landing at the bottom of stairs with a possibly broken rib, broken arm ,bruised back and many other possible injuries.

I picked my head up with any remaining strength I had only to be met with the eyes of my tormentors , my monsters,

Why do I have to go through this. What did I do to deserve this...why can't I live a normal, average life. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY

Feeling my tears starting to fall down my face. I hung my head low, so they wouldn't see me cry. No I won't let them see me like this. I will not let them have the pleasure of seeing me like this. No. A few seconds later I hear the door to the basement slam shut with a loud banging sound of metals clashing together.

I curl up into a ball, with my lightly injured hand holding my broken arm.

Now I'm stuck here...with the darkness, with the rats, and worst of all...with myself

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