Spy IMing 8

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Chameleon: You know, I just realized that no one offered me a picture of Zach or talked to me about it. (Yet when Zach talks about the picture he already has of me, he is offered a better new one. -_-)

Duchess: Going sight seeing. ;)

Bookworm: Talking to Jonas. :)

Peacock: Traveling. Ugh. :(

Shadow: Ha, that’s what you get McHenry!

Hotshot: Why did Bex say she was going sight seeing? Last time I checked, I was hanging/making out with her. Hm... maybe I shouldn’t have said that on here...

Hacker: Telling Liz about my fishing trip. :P

Bookworm and Hacker have logged on

Bookworm: Hi, Jonas! :)

Hacker: Hey, Lizzie. :)

Bookworm: So, how was your fishing trip?

Hacker: Um, well good I guess except for that part where... *mumble, mumble*

Bookworm: What was that?

Chameleon and Peacock have logged on

Chameleon: Hello there!

Peacock: What’s up people?

Bookworm: Oh, hey guys, Jonas and I were just talking about his fishing trip with his Dad.

Chameleon: So did you have fun?

Hacker: Well, um, if you call *mumble, mumble* fun.

Peacock: Didn’t catch that, dear. (Eww, did I just say dear? I sound so old... *shudders*)

Bookworm: He did that when I asked him, too.

Peacock: That means either something embarrassing happened or he’s just doing this to annoy us.

Chameleon: So which is it?

Hacker: What?

Chameleon: You know what I said/typed.

Hacker: *grumbles* The first one she said...

Peacock: Ha! So what happened?

Hacker: Um, well...

Bookworm: Go ahead Jonas, I won’t laugh. :)

Hacker: *sighs* When I tried to cast the line one time, the hook got caught on the back of my shoe, and I didn’t know it at the time, so I kind of...

Peacock: Kind of what?

Hacker: ...I pushed the fishing pole in front of me (to get the hook back in front of me) since I knew it had at least caught on something behind me and when I did... I ended up pushing/pulling myself into the water...

Peacock: ...

Chameleon: ...

Bookworm: ...

Peacock: LMAO! That’s hilarious! Hahaha!

Chameleon: LOL! Oh, Jonas...

Hacker: Hey! I thought you said you weren’t gonna laugh at me!

Bookworm: I did, I didn’t say my friends weren’t... ;)

Hacker: ...

Chameleon: Why didn’t you check what the hook had attached to?

Hacker: Um...

Peacock: Wow, you amaze me Jonas. I’m guessing this was your first time fishing. :D

Hacker: ...

Spy IMingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora