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ellie grazer
#. 001

"𝗠𝗢𝗠, seriously I'll be fine. Stop worrying." I told my nervous wreck of a mother as I juggled the two Middleton Movers boxes, in my arms while my phone pressed against my ear and shoulder.

"Have you got everything? Your bag, your books? Have you got your student ID? You didn't leave it in your room, did you? I'll go check. I can drive over there and give it to you. Do you want me to help you move your stuff in?" She pestered down the phone as her worry and high pitched volume clawed at my ear drums. I struggled with pulling out my room key from my pocket and ultimately ended up dropping the boxes on the floor as a bead of sweat slid down the back of my neck.

"No!" I blurted out at the sound and thought of her coming over here. I envisioned it in my head and that vision itself made me shiver. "No, no, I'll be fine." I said, calmer this time. "I've doubled checked my list multiple times and I haven't forgotten anything. Mom, I'm fine. Now stop worrying, seriously." I said to her as I finally pulled out my key, from my front jeans pocket.

"Okay." She spoke with an audible sigh and in a tone of slight reluctance. "Will you call me later and tell me how you're settling in? I want to see your room. Your dad will want to see you too. Don't stay up too late either, you've got to start studying tomorrow to make sure you don't fall behind in your classes-" she started with her rambling again. I had gotten used to her rambling. I'd spent my whole life getting used to her rambling. She was a talker that's for sure and a proper pain in the ass.

"Mom!" I said loudly, cutting her off. "I'll be fine." I reassured her again for the millionth time. God woman, just leave me alone. "I'll call you later. I need to unpack."

"Alright, yes you need to do that." She fumbled out. "Okay, I love you. Don't forget to call me. I'll text you and remind you later."

"Okay. I love you too." I said with a smile as I pulled my phone away from my ear and ended the call.

I breathed a sigh of relief and shoved my phone into my back pocket. She really was a handful. Good luck, Dad.

I pushed the key into the door and twisted it while hearing the lock crank open. I latched onto the handle and pushed it down where I pressed my fingertips against the door and kicked the boxes inside. Stepping into the room, I smiled widely at the place I would be calling home for the next four years and I almost started jumping up and down with joy at the idea of that.

The room wasn't massive by any means but it wasn't small and cramped either, from my first glance. I was given one of the...nicer rooms as my parents wanted me to have the best experience possible, even though I would be fine with sleeping in a fucking janitors closet as long as I was going to this college. I stepped inside and closed the door behind me where I stepped over the boxes and wandered around the room. There were two single beds in each corner of the room and there was a bedside table by each of the beds as well as a shared closet and vanity. There was also a small bathroom in the opposite corner of the room with a shower, a toilet and a sink. There was also a tiny bit of counter space along one of the walls, with a coffee maker, microwave and an electric kettle on it. Pretty homey if you ask me.

I didn't really know what I was expecting for the quality of my room when I first got accepted to Harvard but for a school with such high standards, I wasn't disappointed. It really was great. I felt like I had just bought my first apartment and was living all alone with endless possibilities waiting for me. It felt good to be somewhere that I tried so hard to get to and it was like all those years of breakdowns and desperation was worth it. I deserved to be here.

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