Permanently Borrowing

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A/n:just be aware i dont know anything about the American court kinda thing so im making it up as i go along.also to sad that im finishing the story that i haven't reread it but i didn't see any red lines under anything as i did write it sooo.

Y/n's POV

Waking up boiling alive is not the best, trying to untangle your own limbs from someone else who's still somehow asleep despite the alarm isn't the best either. However that is currently what im doing, why? Because I hate myself and set an alarm last night for some reason.


Tears were streaming from our eyes as we watch stark curse so many times Americans would find appalling. I hit the intercom access button on FRIDAY's system and started singing along with the rick roll. I swear i could have died at the look stark gave.

By the time stark found us we were all exhausted from laughing so long, so stark stood and stared in the doorway as we all passed him, some patting his back, to go to our rooms.

I held on to Shuri's hand as we walked down the hallway. I didn't even notice that i just dragged her into my room but she wasn't even bothered by it. I then asked siri to turn on my alarm and collapsed into bed curled into my human pillow.

~end of flashback~

I had managed to turn off my alarm and decided if I'm awake Shuri's gonna be awake.

"Kitty wake up," I whispered into her ear. I sighed when she showed no signs of waking up. I then started blowing into her ear. Im not that cruel to throw wat- hold that thought.

"AARRGGHH," Shuri half groaned and half screamed. "Bitch."

I stuck my tongue out at her, "love you too."

"Aren't you just ecstatic for today?" She asked getting out of the bed and heading over to my wardrobe to steal my clothes.

"Why what's today?" I yawned as I made my way to go brush my teeth. I squeezed some toothpaste onto the toothbrush then ran it under the water for as second then began brushing my teeth as I made my way back to my room to watch Shuri change into my clothes, as is my right.

"Uhhh court...."

"FUCK!" Im sure I saw some birds leave the trees outside.

Just absolutely, terribly, completely, fucking fantastic. Why did I forget about that, why why why, I need at least a good two or three days away from people before I can even think about doing this shit.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and bring me out of my head as I was preparing to overthink everything.

"Shhhhhhh, its okay," she whispered in my ear. "Lets put some music on and we can pretend that it doesn't even exist until we have to leave."

I nodded numbly as she took out her phone, "You get to pick the songs."

I took a second to think "Dirty Diana?"

"Sure," she started the song and we got ready for today. I decided to wear a shirt that belonged to Tony, but just because I felt like it, I turned it into a crop top, I'm sure they'd see plenty of evidence. Loki would be proud with the evil lurking behind my eyes right now.

 Loki would be proud with the evil lurking behind my eyes right now

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