Chapter V - first class

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The moment the waiter left, Leslie spoke. "So, how did you two meet?" She was looking at Lucifer when she asked that but I answered it instead, making her turn to look at me.

"We met at the mall. This is our third or fourth date actually." I'd say I'm a pretty good liar because I just came up with that on the spot. Leslie narrowed her eyes at me, she wanted Lucifer to be the one answering.

"And you're okay with this?" She turned back to her target and asked. I don't know what her plan was, but I'm sure it was nothing good.

"Okay with what?" Lucifer questioned back, not knowing what she was talking about. I was a little lost too.

"With meeting us on the third date?" She paused slightly and glanced to Caleb. "And coming to our wedding?"

She waited for a moment before dramatically gasping and bringing her hand up to cover her mouth like she's said something wrong. "Oh, do you now know yet? Was I not suppose to tell him?" She looked from Lucifer to me with her widened eyes.

She should have become an actress.

I glared at her, what she was doing was totally unnecessary. If Lucifer wasn't Lucifer, I would probably be stressed out right now because of her. Too bad for her, this isn't any normal human.

He let out a chuckle, which obviously caught Leslie's attention. She ripped her smug eyes off of me and looked to him. I like her. I heard and couldn't help but grin with him.

"No, no it's fine. She told me last night actually. Congratulations." Lucifer replied, while showing them a gracious smile. "And of course I'll be there."

Leslie's quiet. She must have thought her acting was enough to make us trip up. We're not losing that easily, sorry.

The food arrived just in time and Leslie busied herself with giving each of us our plates and utensils. It was like she was taking some time to regroup and come up with another plan.

We ate in silence until Caleb finally decided to speak up. "So, what do you like about her?" He asked, looking up from his food to Lucifer.

I swallowed the piece of waffle in my mouth and turned to Lucifer. He came to this meet-up with no plans or preparations, I actually wanted to see how he was going to handle this.

He turned to me, looking like he was having a hard time. I raised an eyebrow at him, I couldn't help him answer this one. He cleared his throat before coming up with his answer, "everything."

He slowly turned back to look at Caleb as I quickly stuffed a piece of waffle into my mouth, trying to stop myself from laughing out loud. Still, a small giggle escaped. Shut up human, he growled, clearly unhappy with the cheesy line he just said.

"Everything?" Caleb repeated his answer and gave a little smile, "I'll need you to be more specific than that."

Lucifer turned to look at me again, this time it was like he was asking for help. Maybe it is time for me to jump in, before he says something dumb.

"What's there not to like?" I shrugged while eyeing his food. The egg's benedict looked pretty good. I leaned over and nudged his arm. "Can I have some?" I said to him in a softer voice.

He let out a chuckle as he reached for my plate. He took it and swapped it for his, essentially giving me the rest of his food. It's great that he didn't need to eat, I got more. "Thanks." I smiled.

Leslie, who was watching us closely the whole time, let out a hum. "What about you? What do you like about him?"

I looked up at her from my food, she's started to take this seriously. "Um, everything?" I replied, slightly pausing at every syllable. She narrowed her eyes at me, that wasn't a good enough answer. Now it's Lucifer's turn to stifle his laughter.

I cleared my throat as I kicked Lucifer under the table. "I mean, I like that he makes me laugh and how I can be myself around him. He's handsome and funny, who can pass on that?"

I could be an actress too.

Both Leslie and Caleb seemed to believe me. "So, this is serious? It's not just some fling?" I nodded as I thought, you should say something.

Lucifer nodded too, like what? He sounded pretty clueless. Like you really like me and want me in your future. I come up with lines that would only ever be seen in movies.

"I..." Lucifer hesitated, "I'm serious about her and I want her to be in my future."

Leslie let out a long hum. I think she believes us. I said in excitement as she looked at us thoughtfully. She better, I'm not saying that again. Lucifer complained as he reached for his untouched coffee. He took a sip then another.

This tastes great. He commented, not taking his lips off the straw. I grinned, I was right, he loved it.

"How old are you?" Caleb seemed to believe us. Here comes the get-to-know-you part. Lucifer put his coffee aside and licked his lips, "two years older than her." I nodded along with his answer, that's the same age as Leslie and Caleb.

Leslie took a minute to study Lucifer closely, he looked more like 20 than 24. Then, she turned to me. "I didn't know you were into older guys."

I pursed my lips and took in a breath, I can't tell if she's doing this on purpose. This was so embarrassing. "I, well, Lucifer's an exception." I paste an awkward smile on my lips and answered.

She gave me a slow nod before turning to Lucifer. "What do you do for a living?" Oh, I didn't prepare for this question. My eyes widened as I turned to Lucifer too, what does he do?

I couldn't say he was a doctor because what if they want to visit his clinic or a model because which magazines does he appear in and I definitely couldn't say a low paying job because how would I explain the expensive clothes?

You're..., you're taking over your parents' company? Wait no, you've already taken over, now you're the chairman.

Lucifer repeated my lies word for word. If he was real, I would've hit the jackpot. Leslie and Caleb seemed to think that. "Wow, what company is it?" Caleb asked. Of course he would want to know.

Lucifer threw me a glance but this is something I can't come up with an answer for. Even if we said a make believe one, if they decided to look it up online, they'd know we were lying. Not giving an answer was risky, but telling a lie was more risky.

"Why are you so nosy?" That came out wrong, I sounded so rude. Caleb's mouth falls open a little as he turned to look at me.

"No, it's just that he doesn't want you guys to see him as the Chairman of some company, you know? He's here as my boyfriend, that's all you need to know." I smiled softly and leaned onto Lucifer's arm.

Just as I was thinking that we were putting up an Oscar-worthy performance, Lucifer pulled his arm away. My smile turned into a frown as I looked over at him, what are you doing?

Apparently, it wasn't what I thought. He brought his arm over my shoulders and pulled me closer. Looks like he does know how to be romantic.

I wiped the shock off my face then turned back to face Leslie and Caleb. "Well, okay then." Leslie took a glance at Caleb before reaching for her bag. "We'll see you in a few days."

She pulled out two plane tickets and handed them over. I leaned forward, making Lucifer's arm drop off my shoulders and onto the backrest. Right at the top, the tickets read 'First Class'. My eyes darted from those words to Leslie and back to those words.

We did it!

ohmygod, first class! Free vacation! They believed us, I mean of course they would. We did it!!

My thoughts were going too fast for me to speak them as I turned to Lucifer, full of excitement. I fanned out the two tickets and waved them in the air like a little child as Lucifer tired his best to tune out my thoughts.

Great, yay us. His tone was the most unenthusiastic one ever as he brought his hand up and waved it around, mocking me.

"Well, we should get going." Chairs scraped against the floor as Leslie and Caleb both got up, pulling my attention away from Lucifer.

"Take care of her, yeah?"

Caleb waited for a nod before he took Leslie's hand and walked out of the café. 

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