Adds Some Spice.

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A/N: I truly have never loved a dynamic between my characters so much... mean that.


    Sierra has been home for over 24 hours now and she still has yet to talk to either of us about what happened at the doctor. The world class surgeon that seems to have all the answers or at least that's what I had thought. I thought she would be the one that would be able to help here, that's what Sierra had said but it seems there's something that no one is telling me or Harry. After we all ate breakfast yesterday we asked her and she said she would talk when she was ready which made me panic.

    Birdie wouldn't talk because she's a good person and she's respectful just like she should be which is the exact opposite of what I am. So of course I want her to talk but no one will, and that's unfortunately Sierra's right. Harry has repeatedly told me that she'll talk soon but soon isn't soon enough when I don't know what's going on at all, and I'm completely in the dark. So I'm going to get answers and I'm going to get them now.

    "Sierra, open up." I bang on the door, and I hear nothing on the other side. I do hear footsteps start down the hall, and I don't have to look to see who they belong to.

    "Scar, come on, give her some time." Harry speaks low, and nods his head back down the hall, trying to be soft with me.

    "She's had a day. I need answers. This is so unfair, for her, and all of us but keeping all of us in the dark isn't the answer." I argue, and he doesn't want to argue back. I can see it in his features. I know he wants answers the same way I do.

    "Sierra, are you ready? Can we talk to you please?" He asks through the door, trying to be just as kind to her. He hasn't had to sit here all day like I have though. He's been at the office with Birdie. I've been working too.. Harry brought home more fabric for me, but I can't think or focus on it. Not at all. We hear commotion from behind the door, and then I see a shadow under it, she's right here, right on the other side.

    "I don't want to hear you guys argue with me.. If I open the door, and we talk, you can't tell me no." She speaks out, and I look at Harry, and he nods to me. He's a lot more agreeable than I am though. So I might just have to put up the fight of my life to hold my tongue the best I can.

    "Fine, now let us in." I push on the door handle again, and she unlocks it, letting both of us in her room that is still somehow clean. She doesn't ever miss a step I swear. Sierra and I are very similar but very different in so many ways. She's a lot more sleek, more classy, and put together. She doesn't wear as much color, her outfits are still risky, and fun but normally black and white and that's the same with her room. It's minimal, chic, and cute just like her. I sit on her bed, and Harry stays standing until Sierra tells him to sit down too with her hand. He sits next to me, one leg on the ground and the other curled on the bed. I sit with my knees crossed and my hands in my lap looking straight at my sister.

    "What's going on?" I ask her straight forward.

    "Alright so you can't talk till I finish speaking do you understand?" She asks me, and I scoff.

    "Why are you pointing fingers at me, and not him too?" I ask, throwing a hand in Harry's direction.

    "Because I'm respectful, and I don't like to interrupt." He tells me, which makes me scoff again. "Just telling you how it is darling." He shrugs, and I roll my eyes.

    "He is right though. You have a habit of interrupting us when we get to the good part, so no interrupting for you." Sierra tells me, and she pulls out a big envelope.

    "Okay fine, I'll shut up if you just tell me what's going on in your brain." I tell her, waving my hands.

    "These are pictures of it." She takes pictures of her scans out, showing both of us, and I don't know how she expected me to speak when it's gotten bigger, and it looks like it does. I really am speechless... This isn't going to be good information. "It wasn't supposed to get bigger... But they don't think it should get any bigger than this.. Either way, it's pressing, and it's not doing any good right now.." Sierra tells me, and I want to say something but I stop myself when she gives me a look.

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