Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

"Come on," I said as we arrived in front of the restaurant Josh texted me.

"No, it's alright."

"Oh, come on now, James. Don't be such a baby. You've been talking about how badly you wanted to pee on the way here."

"It can wait till I get home."

"As far as I can remember you live forty minutes away from here. Let's go."

"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude."

"It's no big deal. Unless you want your bladder to burst?"

He heaved out a sigh, "Alright," and stopped the engine.

"Attaboy. Come on." I got out of the car and he followed me inside the restaurant.

When we got inside, I saw Josh sitting by himself. I waved 'Hi' but he didn't wave back as he usually does, instead he stood alert in the most unfriendly manner.

"What are you doing here?" he charged towards Axel.

I stepped between them, "Hey, hey." I placed my hands on Josh's shoulders, "Take it easy. It's okay. He's with me."

Josh relaxed a bit but was still on his guard. I suppose Hailey told him.

"He's just dropping me off but he needs to use the bathroom first before leaving."

"Alright." Josh's voice was clipped, still focused on Axel. "Bathroom's out the back."

"Thanks, man," Axel replied then hurried to the bathroom.

"Seriously, what is he doing here, Laure? Why did he have to drop you off? Why are you with him?"

"You're sounding more and more like Hailey," I removed my coat and placed it on the chair.

"I'm serious, Lauren. It took all my will not to punch him in the face after what he did to you."

"I know. I'd like to believe it's all in the past now."

His brows raised slowly as his head dropped.

I shook my head innocently then a deep laugh grumbled inside his chest. An incredulous smirk slowly crept in on his face, "You can't convince me. You hold grudges. What's really going on?"

"Fine. We're pretending to be friends because we need to take down Katie."


"I know it's confusing, but it's hard to explain."

"Katie? Who's Katie?"

"Katie Swanson. His ex-girlfriend."

"The actress? Why would you take her down? You know what, don't answer. I'm sure Hailey knows about it. I'll just ask her when I get home."

"Yeah? How will you explain how you knew?"

"I, uh, I'll say I saw you on the street together."

"Which street?"

He paused to think.

"Just as I thought. You know she'll get into specifics."

"Damn it, you're right. Which streets have you been to today?"

"I don't think those are the same streets you frequent."

"Well then give me something here."

"Ehem," Axel stood by our table. "What's going on?"

"Sit," Josh demanded.

I bulge my eyes at him while he paid me no mind, staring intensely as Axel took a seat in front of him.

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