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"Dinner is ready." the help announced, breaking the silence. The blonde bitch wrapped her arm around Adrian's arm. As I walked behind the two lovebirds, I grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her back, and pushed her against the wall. My arm rested on her neck, and I brought my face close to her ear.

"Sleep with one eye open tonight, cagna..." I whispered into the blonde bitches ear. I smiled and let her go, and continued to walk towards the kitchen table. I sat on the seat I usually sit on, next to Adrian. "Where... Where do I sit?" the blonde bitch asked my father

The help pulled up a chair next to my mother, and the blonde bitch sat there. I ate my steak and vegetables and crossed my legs. Sitting criss-cross apple sauce is not just for children. I remembered what happened in the car when we were on our way to that ball I was invited to but had no date. "Papa." I called out "Yes, cara?" he responded "Do you remember when we were on our way to that ball we got invited to?" I asked "Yes... Why?" he asked

"Did that driver drug me or some shit?" I questioned
"Language. And no, the driver did not drug you." he replied "So then what happened after I passed out?" I asked "Since you passed out, we decided it was best if you stayed with one of the boys, and Adrians and his date volunteered, so Emilio took you out of the car you were in and put you in Adrian's car."  he answered

"His date? Do you know who it was?"i questioned turning my head to looked at Adrian "Her," he replied, pointing to the bitch. I almost chuckled. "Oh. Interesting." I said
I looked at Mimi, and she was smiling but looking at the floor with her hands in between her legs. She was sitting next to Romeo. I smirked and said "Ouuuu"

I saw her face get red. She was embarrassed. I felt bad; I didn't want to upset her. "She's just playing around, Mimi, relax," Adrian said. I turned and looked at him, crossing my arms and sticking my tongue out at him.
"You are childish," he said, staring at me "Excuse me? At least I'm not a man whore that uses girls for sex then moves on to the next bitch that I think is attractive." I said, looking him up and down

"That was personal," Xavier said with a smirk "Shut up, Xavier," I said, rolling my eyes. I could hear the hell hounds laughing. I basically just called myself out.
"Thats.. Pathetic Yelena." Emilio said, staring at me
"Emilio. I. Will. Cut. Your. Dick. Off." I was angry at everyone. except for Mimi, she did nothing wrong
"It's not my fault I fell into Adrian's little spider web," I whispered

"Spider web?" he asked, staring at me "Yeah. You kissed me remember? You know what, don't even answer that because you probably don't remember anything you did to me." I said, sitting back "You did cruel shit to me," I said with a sigh "What did I do?" he asked, raising an eyebrow

"People are eating. I'd rather not make them lose their appetite." I replied "Blonde bitch is the only one eating," Alvero said "Do not call her that!" My mother said "Sorry." Alvero said "No, no, it's fine. I'm... Done anyway." she said "Go on, then list all of the "cruel" things I did to you," Adrian told me. I smirked and said, "I'm going to make you look really bad."

He stared at me. I began listing all the things he did to me and how when I think about him; I feel sick. "Wow..." Amalo said "Um." Emilio Said "You said list everything. What's wrong?" I asked him. He didn't respond and continued to stare at me "Are you two together?" My mother asked. I smirked and looked at the blonde bitch "no.. why?" I asked

"Adrian is getting married to Sofia," she told me, looking confused. My jaw dropped. I slowly turned to see Adrian already looking at me. I look at Adrian, then my father. "Mimi, let's go finish The Bachelor," I said with a sigh "Oh- okay," Mimi replied We both walked out of the kitchen. One was happy, and one was about to cry her eyeballs out of their sockets. I laid on Mimi's lap, and she rubbed my back while I hid underneath the blanket. Romeo and Alvero decided to cause chaos and sit next to me while I was curled up into a ball, crying underneath a blanket. Thank God for Mimi.

1:34 AM

I peeked my head out from underneath the blanket and saw that Romeo and Alvero were fast asleep next to me. Mimi was also sleeping. I got up and yanked the blanket off of myself. Mimi was at the end of the couch, so I laid her head on Romeo's lap and put the blanket on her. Mimi seemed comfortable, so I left.

I walked down the hallway filled with offices and came across the last door, my father's office; I walked in the office, it seemed quiet, so I hid underneath his desk and cried my heart out.

Mimi's POV:


I woke up, and I was laying on Romeo's lap. He was fast asleep. I looked around the room to see that the TV was turned off and Yelena wasn't next to me. I jumped up and pushed Romeo so that he would wake up. "What the hell Mimi," he said, rubbing his eyes. I grabbed his face and said, "Yelena is missing."

"What do you mean she's missing?" he asked, standing up. He said that way too loud because he woke up Alvero. Alvero was never a morning person. "Whos missing?" Alvero asked, fixing his hair "Yelena. She was here, but now she's not." I said "What if she's going to try to kill that blonde girl?" I asked, taking my hands off of Romeos face

"No..she wouldn't do that," Romeo said. Alvero and Romeo both exchanged glances and jumped off of the couch, sprinting to Yelena's room. She wasn't there. They looked in every room and couldn't find her.

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