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Chapter 71

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Logan and John lingered just inside the barn door and gazed around at the zombies while Daniel deposited our newfound cloudy-eyed friend in the reinforced cage. Nina took a few blood samples, although she had some issues collecting the thick liquid and muttered something about the blood thickening after being unconscious for so long.

Once she finished, Daniel made sure it was possible to see the head injury from the other side of the bars to monitor its healing. I remained outside the barn to keep an eye on Nicky and Liz, who were collecting dandelion flowers in the grass.

They hadn't mentioned why they were collecting the yellow flowers, although they wouldn't have enough time to build a dandelion crown before we'd arrive at Ironwind. Thankfully.

Those inside soon came back out now that the zombie was in his new holiday suite. As much as I didn't want to get back in the truck again, I wanted to see Luke's reaction when he spotted his brother.

The others quickly reclaimed their previous seats. Their focus and energy reflected their building excitement, which was a stark contrast to the half-vacant, bored stares they'd worn the last two days. The end of our trip was just mere minutes away.


Daniel drove down the well-maintained road, reaching speeds we hadn't hit throughout most of our trip.

"Finally!" Nicky exclaimed in an uncanny echo of my thoughts when we rounded the bend and could see the tall fence surrounding the Stronghold. "We made it!"

It almost felt like coming home after a holiday that had gone on far too long. Something akin to a promise of familiarity and semi-peace. Like I could finally relax and unwind.

It was a feeling I hadn't experienced in almost a year.

Shaking my head slightly to dispel the reverie, I took a deep breath to check the air. Luke and Jess were still here. There were about two dozen unfamiliar scents, although I'd smelled them at least once before, so I assumed they were from that group who had been heading here. Nothing smelled out of place, although our arrival was about to shatter the peace and quiet.

A short horn sequence came from the gate, announcing our arrival, although it sounded nothing like when the traders had arrived. The guards had clearly recognized the truck and its occupants. Well, I guess if a familiar man and woman are in the front while a redhead and a grouchy-looking lady wearing sunglasses rode in the back, it should be quite obvious. The truck isn't exactly unknown to them either.

They had no way of knowing who our passengers were, but the guards assumed they were friendly since they were riding with us. One person in Ironwind would certainly recognize the lanky, brown-haired man across from me though...


He looked at me, surprised by my serious tone. "Yes?"

I gave him a level look. "Remember, even though Luke is your brother, the virus now runs through his blood, and that will change his reactions slightly. Especially when it comes to direct contact. Watch his body language. If he's open for a reunion hug, then go for it. If he avoids such things, it's only because he's worried about possibly harming you."

John nodded slowly. "Thank you. I will keep that in mind."

With my warning relayed and John now cautious, I turned my head back to the Stronghold, where the guards were already opening the gate for us, ready to welcome us home.

Part of me was curious to see what the upcoming reunion would look like, but I also knew Luke could still feel the bloodlust much more strongly than I currently could. The controlex had reduced it, but it hadn't completely removed it.

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