Chapter 13: The End

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At Hellman Hall, the guests arrived wearing the exact same outfits along with a black and white wig, in order to confuse the security guards.

Cruello and (Y/n) had already snuck into the mansion and Cruello grabbed a phone to call the police station.


"There's a robbery planned for Hellman Hall tonight."

"Who is this?"

Cruello hung up the phone and took (Y/n)'s hand.

"You do look ravishing in black and white darling." He commented on the wig she was wearing.

She smirked and thanked him as they blended in with the rest of the crowd.

Meanwhile, Jasper had gotten a radio from John and commanded that all the security guards meet in the library.

The guards walked past Horace who was also a wearing the Cruello disguise.

He locked the guards in the library, and turned around to see that one of the guards wasn't in there and instead right in front of him.

"I was just looking for the loo." Horace lied.

The guard pulled out his taser and activated it in a threatening manner. Horace began to get nervous, when Buddy jumped up and knocked the taser out of his hand.


The Baroness stood at the top of the staircase and grabbed a glass of champagne and turned to see everyone in the black and white wigs. She was furious, but masked it well.

"Thank you all for coming. What a great tribute to our dear friend who shall never return. Sadly." The Baroness said.

"Touching." Cruello whispered from where he was hiding.

"To Cruello."

"To Cruello!"


Horace was shoved against the wall by the security guard, and Wink jumped on his face, only to be flung across the room.

"That dog is like a son to me. You're dead!" Horace declared, raising his fists.

The guard was suddenly knocked out by a kick to the head from Artie.

"I had him."

"Did you though?"


The Baroness walked down the stairs and Cruello followed her leaving (Y/n) behind. The Baroness spotted Anita.

"Where is he?" She demanded.

"Didn't you just toast his death?" She replied innocently making the Baroness scoff.

She kept walking not noticing the Cruello was right behind her. He pulled a long pin from his pocket and approached her. (Y/n) noticed him trailing after her with the needle and felt her heart race at the thought that he might break his promise to her. He came up behind her and poked her right arm with the needle distracting the Baroness and he grabbed her dog whistle and walked off. (Y/n) smiled to herself relieved he didn't do it.

"He's here. I can feel it." The Baroness told John. "Find him."

The Baroness took a sip of her drink and placed it down on a tray when her dogs started to pull on their leashes. They pulled her to a glass door where she saw a figure standing out in the garden by the cliff. She walked outside and the figure turned around to reveal Estello. Wearing his wig, glasses and a long coat that fell down to his ankles.

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