Chapter 45

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I've spent the last several days trying to one- figure out how to bring up the incident with Taylor, and two- work up the courage to actually go through with asking her about it. Chase told me to be honest with her about what I heard and let her know we would never judge her for anything.

I know I need to clear things up with her. Since that day, I haven't been able to look her in the face, and I know she's started to pick up on my behavior. She's given me more than one curious look over the past few days. I get the feeling she thinks I'm avoiding her, which I am- kind of. I just don't know how to go about this. How do I ask my best friend if she's secretly sleeping with my brother?

It's not like I'd be mad. I mean, obviously, I have no room to judge on that front. I was sneaking around with my brother's best friend for a while before we came clean. You'd think after all of that; she'd know she could tell me. She should know by now that I'd never be angry with her if she wanted to be with Liam. Hell, I'm one of the biggest supporters of that ship!

Then, there's the other possibility- that it's not Liam she's been sneaking around with. Maybe that's why she doesn't want to say anything. Maybe she's embarrassed about who it is. I'm pretty sure it's Liam, though. There have been too many clues that point to that being the reality. They're already best friends; they've hooked up before; they left the apartment the other day at almost the same time to 'go hang with the boys' and 'work out.' I can't help but wonder if 'work out' is code for, well, other activities.

I shouldn't be excited about the idea of my brother getting laid, but I really want it to be him that was with Tay the other day. They'd be so good together! Psh, what am I saying- they already are good together. Now, I just need them to admit it.

Chase and Liam have been gone more recently. The championship is closing in, and if the team keeps going the way they are now, they have a very good shot at winning the cup. Because of that, they've been practicing harder and longer. Today is no exception to that rule- they left a while ago to head to the arena, leaving Taylor and me alone in the apartment.

I guess now is as good a time as any to rip off this bandage. I take a steadying breath and mentally prep myself for the talk I'm about to have with Taylor.

Okay, Lins, woman up! Tay's your best friend. This is just girl talk- no big deal.

I almost scoff at myself over the last part of my pep talk. Yeah, okay, no big deal- I'm just going to ask my bestie if she's banging my big brother. Yep, totally normal girl talk! I shake my head, rolling my eyes at my internal self-debate.

I pull myself together and head to the living room. Taylor is already out there, sitting on one of the couches, looking at something on her phone. She smiles at me when she hears my door close. "Hey, Lins."

I fix my face with what I hope is a relaxed smile. "Hey, Tay. How's it going?"

Her brows furrow a little. Okay, note to self, I'd be a shitty actress. She can see right through me.

"I'm alright. You okay, Lins?"

I nod my head. "Yeah, totally!" I manage to say, but the overly enthusiastic tone of my voice gives me away.

Taylor's smile falters. "You sure? You've just seemed a lately."

Shit! It's now or never!

I let out a shaky breath. "Fuck. I'm sorry, Tay. I didn't mean to act weird around you. It's just...there is something I wanted to talk to you about."

She turns her body toward me, giving me all of her attention. She nods her head slightly, and her eyes focus on mine, encouraging me to continue.

My feet carry me closer, and I take a seat on one of the open cushions. "So, I kind of heard...something the other day when I came home," I tell her, looking down at my hands.

She looks confused when I chance a peek up at her. "Okay...what did you hear?"

Time to own up. "I kind of heard you and a your room...having sex."

The room is silent. It's like time has come to a standstill. I look up at Taylor. She is pale as a ghost, her jaw is hanging down, and her eyes are wider than I've ever seen them.

When she finally speaks, it's in panicked whispers to herself. "Fuck. Oh my God. Oh no. No, no, no." She hides her face in a pillow.

I reach out and try to remove the pillow. "Tay, it's okay. I didn't mean to embarrass you. You don't even have to tell me who it was if you don't want to, but I wanted to clear the air. I know it's been awkward around here lately, and I wanted to tell you why I've been acting so strange."

Taylor looks at me from behind the pillow. "So, you don't know who it was?"

I shake my head. "No, I just heard a few moans and muffled words, but I didn't really want to stick around and hear more. So, I don't know who it was."

I decide to try my luck. I've come this far. Why not? "I am curious, though."

She looks at me. I can see the hesitation in her eyes- the fear. "It's no one serious. I just needed a distraction from the whole work situation, and he happened to be close by when the opportunity presented itself. I really thought we'd be done by the time anyone else got home." She gives me a tight sheepish grin.

Okay, so she's not ready to tell me. That's fine. I can't help but wonder if she means it, though- that it's not serious. If it's Liam, I hope it's serious. "Are you sure it's not serious?"

I see something flash in her eyes, but it's gone before I can decipher what it is. "I don't know, Lins. Maybe? But even if it is...we aren't ready for people to know about us yet."

I decide not to press her further. When she's ready, she'll open up. The fact that she hasn't completely shut down the idea of something serious gives me hope. Maybe she and Liam have a promising future. She hasn't admitted it's him yet, but I have a feeling it is. And that makes me so happy.

"I won't pressure you to tell me, Tay, but I do want you to know that you have my support. No matter what. And Chase and I would never judge you for who you chose to be with." I give her a genuine smile which she returns.

"Thanks, Lins." I lean in and hug her.

"Hey, my friend Mel is in town for a while. It's been a while since we've had a girls' night. Do you want to have one tonight and see if she wants to join?" Taylor asks.

A girls' night sounds perfect! "Let's do it!"

I wonder what kind of trouble we'll get into tonight.

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