Chapter 17: Football Wasn't His Life

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Look out for the <>!

The sun was just raising on the horizon, which caused a yawn to escape my lips. I rubbed my eyes, feeling more tired than I should be. As I struggled to put on my leggings that I found on the floor of my bedroom, I questioned if this was actually worth it or should I just snuggle back into bed and sleep a little longer. But the thought of taking a yoga class with Everett was enough motivation for me to leave my room. 

As I walked down the stairs, I heard the TV playing softly. I walked into the family room and saw dad watching clips from yesterday on our large TV. I had never seen him watch the games at home before, but I wondered if he always did this or if this was a new thing.

"Hey," I said to him as I slipped on my sneakers.

He paused the TV then turned towards me. "Hey Nora. You're up early. What's your plans today?"

For a second, I debated on telling him where I was heading off to. "Everett invited me to do a round of yoga."

He rose his eyebrows. "Really? That's news. I'm impressed, even after a game he is still out there doing yoga. Most players would be sleeping off today or partying still."

But I think we both knew Everett wasn't like most players. Football wasn't his life, he had other things he liked to do. "Yeah, I guess he teaches at the same place mom takes lessons?"

"Yeah, I heard rumor of that before. Anywho, send him my regards."

"Of course," I said as I took a seat on the coach, unwilling to let dad go just yet. "So, how was the game yesterday? We won. That's a good thing, right?"

He nodded. "It wasn't terrible, but it could have been better."

I thought the team played great, but I held my tongue. "So, what are you looking for in the reruns?"

"I'm looking for how the players talk to one another, how they pass. I am looking for the teamwork. Because deep down, that is how we will stand out. That is how we will be the best."

"They haven't really improved since the start of practice."

He shook his head as he looked at the paused screen. "Actually, I think they have, but the progress is slow, and I'm worried it will plateau."

"What do you think will help?"

He looked at me and smiled. "You. The team likes you, and I think you have more power to help than you realize."

Not believing it, I shook my head. I had been working with dad for weeks and I was sure I had done little to help in the matter. I stood up from the couch and stretched. "You shouldn't put all of your ducks in one basket."

He chuckled as he turned the TV back on, switching his attention to the game again. "I have a few other ideas up my sleeve but you are my number one."

I smirked. "Of course, you do. Anyhow, I'm taking the bike and I'll be back later this morning."

"Have fun!"

"Will do," I said to him as I left out the door to get to the garage.

In a matter of 15 minutes, I was walking into the yoga studio, feeling a little more awake than before. 

The studio was nearly empty except for an old lady Everett was talking to. But almost as quickly as I walked in, Everett turned his attention towards me. 

"Hey, you came!" Everett said with a smile as I closed the door behind me. He said something to the lady, then walked up to greet me. 

I don't think I had ever seen Everett so excited to see me or anyone for that matter. It filled my head with swirling questions. "Hey."

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