Chapter 12

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Emma was invited to the Annual Evans ball. Lord Advent only attended a few balls and that night she was alone. As she was married, she didn't have a chaperone. She wished Mrs. Dennis accompanied her.

'Can I have this dance with the lovely lady?' Emma turned to find Mr. Hugo Long.

'Hugo! So good to see you. I didn't know you were in London.'

He took her hand and kissed it.

'Good to see you too, Emma.'

'Is Tily here, too?'

'Yes, we came together.'

A gaggle of young women surround Hugo all batting their eye lashes.

'Our merchant prince is still famous,' Emma joked.

Hugo Allen along with Matilda Bliver helped Lord Alfred Bliver (Matilda's father) run the largest trading company in Europe.

He put on a fake pained expression, 'Can't move an inch without my admirers.'

'You came to London for a season?'

Emma looked at him sharply, she couldn't tell whether he was joking. Didn't he know she was married?

'Emma,' Matilda called.

'Tily, so good to see you. How are you?'

'I am good. Congratulations on your wedding.'

'Stop joking, she is not married! I can tell when a girl sleeps...' Hugo's words trailed as Tily elbowed him.

'Yes, Hugo. I got married.' Emma cut him short.

'To the Duke of Watford,' finished Tily.

'What! You married the Duke of Watford?'

'No need to sound so surprised.'

'I was out of England for a few months and you got married. Why are all the good ones taken?' Hugo said dramatically.

Tily rolled her eyes. Emma saw Mr. Bennet was watching Tily. He smiled and made his way towards them.

'Lady Advent,' he bowed and kissed Emma's knuckles.

'Mr. Bennet, let me introduce Lady Matilda Bliver and Mr. Hugo Long,' turning to Tily, Emma said, 'This is Mr. Antony Bennet.'

Hugo was frowning at Mr. Bennet as the later took Tily's hand and kissed it. Tily was trained from young to control and not show her emotions, but Emma knew her, her ears always gave her away. It had turned pink. She liked Mr. Bennet, this was surprising thought Emma.

'I believe you promised me this dance,' Emma said to Hugo and offered her hands.

Reluctantly, Hugo took her hands and led her to the dance floor. Mr. Bennet offered Tily his hand and followed suit.

'She would find out you like her if you kept frowning at Mr. Bennet,' Emma said in a stage whisper.

'What are you talking about?' Hugo asked, but his nonchalant act didn't fool her.

'Really Hugo! How long are you going to keep up this charade?'

Hugo narrowed his eyes but didn't tell anything.

'I don't know why you go out of your way to hide it from Tily. You should tell her how you feel.'

His rakish manners disappeared, he looked sad and vulnerable. Emma felt sorry for having said anything. It was his decision and she had no right meddling.

'I am sorry. I just wish you and Tily... I am sorry. I shouldn't have said anything.'

Hugo nodded and as their dance came to an end he said, 'You are right Emma, I guess I'm just scared. I do love her. I am a coward.'

Emma walked alone contemplating how she never practices what she just preached. Her untold love for Lord Advent only became heavier each day. Was it fear that was stopping her? Was it the fear of revealing her love or the fear of facing the rejection that would follow? She felt jealous of Lady Elana, but sad too. To die leaving a loving husband and children is a cruel fate.

'Good evening, Lady Advent.'

Emma was lost in her thoughts to be aware of her surroundings. Mr. Robert Advent was leering at her.

'Mr. Advent,' Emma said curtly and tried to vacate the spot; but he was blocking her way.

'May I have this dance with you?'

'I am thirsty and thought of getting myself a lemonade,' she said.

'In that case, let me accompany you,' he said and offered his hands. Despite feeling the same discomfort as the previous time, she couldn't come up with an escape plan.

He led her to the dance floor after fetching some lemonade. It was a cotillion, she thanked God for the small favour. Two other couples joined as they stood in square formation beginning the dance. She was separated from Mr. Robert as they glided through various forms of the dance. Yet, the uneasiness that his look instilled wasn't going away.

When they joined, he brushed his hands over her breasts. Before she could react, they separated and the other partner replaced him.

She tried to compose herself, maybe it was an accident. Maybe she was reading too much into it.

They joined again, this time his hand slid from her hips and rested on her back, as she turned he pinched her back. She couldn't breathe, the familiar fear clouded her brain. She was in a crowded ballroom yet she felt so vulnerable.

When they joined again, it was not Mr. Robert but Mr. Bennet. He, in deft movement, gilded her away from the dance. She heard breaking glass and saw Lord Marcus Paulen apologizing to Mr. Robert Advent who was covered in lemonade and lying on the floor.

Mr. Bennet led her out to the garden and helped her to a garden bench. Lord Marcus Paulen joined them shortly, he handed her a lemonade without a word. She was thoroughly shaken.

Both men didn't ask her whether she was alright. Which she was not. They seemed to understand that she didn't want to talk about it.

Mr. Bennet fetched her carriage and she left the ball. The flood of tears she controlled broke when she reached her chamber.

She was angry and frustrated. She was the victim, she shouldn't be feeling this way. Men like him should be punished. She slowly controlled herself. She needed to learn to protect herself. 

With love EmmaWhere stories live. Discover now