Chapter 17 - Sunrise And Us

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Chapter 17 - Sunrise And Us


I woke up before my alarm rang, and it was still dark outside. What world was I living in? I almost never woke up before my eight hours of sleep was completed.

I checked the time to find it was half-past four in the morning. I remember falling asleep around eleven, like usual. Why did I wake up now, then? Ugh. Maybe it was because of the stress of the last few days.

I tried to fall back asleep once again, but after a while, I decided to get up because I knew I wouldn't get any sleep now. My poor eight-hour beauty sleep...

I decided to walk to the terrace quietly, not wanting to disturb Ace, who was sound asleep.

I stood on the terrace, looking at the beautiful dark sky with only tints of sun rays peeking out from behind the clouds. It was a little chilly, considering the sun was yet to spread its warmth. Overall, the atmosphere was calming. Crossing my arms against my chest, I leaned over the railing and sucked in a deep breath, getting lost in deep thoughts.

My life really took an unexpected turn. I was supposed to marry Simon, and now I was a Valentino. I married my best friend. I didn't know what to feel about it. Nor did I know what was supposed to happen in the future with the both of us. But whatever would happen, it would be in our best interest, just like I got to know about Simon's truth right before my wedding.

Speaking of Simon, I wouldn't have forgiven him, but he seemed to really love Liliana. Besides, I never felt anything romantic for him, to begin with. I was happy with Ace.

Maybe it was true; whatever happens, happens for the best.

After our kiss in the drunken state, we never even talked about it. But my question is, how long will we avoid this awkward tension between us? We are married now, and our future could go two ways. Either one day, we ought to fall in love, or get divorced.

I don't want our future to mess up. Since I know what a good person Ace is, I want to be with him forever. Anyone would be lucky to be his wife and be a part of his wonderful family. I know I won't ever find someone who knows and cares for me as much as he does. He is perfect the way he is. And I am willing to give 'Avace' a chance. But for that, I need to know what he feels as well. I do like him, but I don't think it will be a wise choice to tell him this right now. I needed some more time to tell him what I felt.

"What are you doing here?"

I almost jumped at the sudden voice. Placing a hand over my chest in fear, I turned back.

"Ace, why do you have to speak all of a sudden and give me a mini heart attack?"

"Oh, I am sorry. I should've waited till you turned and saw me."

"That would've been creepier," I uttered.

"Exactly," he agreed and came to stand beside me. "But seriously, what are you doing here at this hour?"

"I woke up all of a sudden and was unable to sleep once again. So here I am. What about you?"

He sighed and took my hand in his. He rubbed my hand as he said, "I saw a dream, not a good one."

"What did you see?" I asked in concern.

"I saw Simon was trying to hurt you. When he stabbed you in the dream, I woke up."

I arched an eyebrow. "And you saw I wasn't next to you, so you got up to look for me?"

He gave a curt nod. When a smile formed over my lips, he said dryly, "Don't get too ahead of yourself. What I did was just what a good friend would do."

"I never said something else," I mumbled innocently.

"By the way," he spoke up, "It's unusual for you to get up before your eight hours' proper sleep. Aren't you afraid you may get a pimple?"

I did think about it, but there was nothing I could do. But still, my eyes grew as wide as saucers at the cruel reminder. "Oh, my God. I will have a pimple!"

He chuckled.

I glared at him and asked, "Why aren't you comforting me?"

He cleared his throat. "I don't know what to say here. It was easier when we used to text. I would just give an emoji or GIF." When I continued glaring at him, he said, "Okay, how about you teach me how to comfort you and I will keep it in mind?"

I sighed. "Just say that everything will be okay soon. And if I need major comforting, then just pull me into a hug."

"Why a hug?"

I smiled solemnly and said, "Because sometimes, all you need is just the assurance that someone's there for you."

"Okay, I am pretty sure I don't need to hug you for the future pimple you may have. So all will be okay. Don't worry." He gave me a small pat on the shoulder.

"Better," I mumbled and looked up at the sky once again.

The sky had now morphed into a shade of pink, orange, and blue. It was beautiful, just like Ace and my relationship was. Yes, we weren't perfect on paper, and in the future to come, we both may make mistakes. But I didn't want to give up on what we had. I wanted to be by his side, just like this.

When our shoulders brushed with each other, I don't know if he felt it too, but I did. The sparks.

It was crazy how Ace was making me feel from such simple contact. But I really wish he felt the connection as well.

Every sunrise I watched, no matter how rare it may be, I wanted to watch it with him. Because every day is a new start, and I didn't want my days to start without Ace.

But that was a far-fetched future vision. For now, it was the start of something new for us, and I was content with that.

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