Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 

Author's Note: Here you will have some more details of Jungkook's past and of the other seven members. I apologize for the short chapter previously but my workload has caught up with me, anyways happy reading!


Jeon Jungkook POV 

They years fast forward so fast showing all the joyous times we had together. The seven of us were always together. Jin and Yoongi were brothers just like Jimin and I but Yoongi had a dragon because his mother was different from Jin's. She was related to my mother making us cousins. But we never treated Jin any differently. He was always one of us.

Yoongi's dragon made him and I close since I had a dragon also but Jimin had powers of lightning and thunder and the ability to heal others but not himself, we always questioned it because how could you heal others and not yourself but then we discovered that he could heal himself with water so it was not all lost, we used to say stupid power, until the others got hurt and he heal them then we learnt the true meaning of healing, I did have healing power also but some times you need to let your little brother shine because he did not get all the powers like me, which used to make him feel like a disappointment but I guess it's the balance of nature also his dragon was not so powerful as mine. But I never made him feel that he was any less than me, we were brothers, blood forever and no one could tell him anything even when I was not around because they were afraid of me lashing out at them.

Jin however was a big brother to all of us. He scolded us when we misbehaved and kept us in line, he was the future god of war yet he had a kind heart, one made of gold.

Taehyung was like my brother also but his father had him under locks and keys, many times he would sneak out just to spend time with us. His father would double his workload everytime he sneaked out, but that never stopped him.

And there was Namjoon. He had it worse than all of us, with the pressure that he was under by his father to become our next leader. We pity him but never showed him how we felt because he was so strong. He was the root to our foundation. A true leader.

Hoseok however was always smiling, always cheering us up when we were down, but we never knew the pressure that he was under also. Until we found him trying to escape the kingdom, we sat him down and he told us everything, from then on everything became so much better than before and he never hid his true self again...


Another image started forming, I guess this was important, it was just like my dream with Jimin and I when we came down to earth...

"Jungkook looked over there" says Jimin. When I was there was this beautiful girl. She looked just like...Lu y/n but more feminine. Where the y/n I knew now was all manly. She however was dressed like a princess. A true woman...her hair was styled to perfection, her makeup... she looked like the queen that she will be someday to rule at my side...but...

"Who is she?" I asked Jimin not realizing the words lefted my lips.

"She is the daughter of the senior Elf that used to work under Taehyung father before Taehyung took over" Jimin says, what was she doing on earth? Just my luck to see her here then, I smiled…

While I was looking at her, she looked up and our eyes locked, dragons could tell their soul mates right away, and she was mine. I could feel my heart beat increasing and I knew she would feel the same way too, that is how it always goes...

"Jungkook, are you alright?" Asked Jimin.

"She is my mate brother" I turned to watch him as I said the words and watched his eyes widen as he looked at me and then at her.

"She is the one?"he asked. Some people never discovered their soulmates while others are lucky to find them. My heart burst with excitement and joy thinking of how I found my one true love.

"She is the one brother" I said to him then turned back to see her only to realize that she isn't there.

"Where did she go?" I asked Jimin.

He was looking around also...

"I do not know brother, want us to go look?" He asked, getting up and looking in the direction that she was before.

We started walking around until we met a dark alleyway and saw her disappear...

"Maybe she has gone back, you want to return? I will follow you, it is important to complete the connection to your mate" says Jimin.

"Definitely...!" I said as we returned home.

It was said that once a dragon finds his mate he needs to make certain connections to her, that would make the bond between them grow physically and emotionally, simply things like holding hands and talking to each other strengthens the bond.

I cannot wait to see her again. She was like an angel. Why have I not seen her before? 


Hope you are enjoying...The dragon king..

Can anyone guess what would happen?

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