2 - has he mentioned, he hated this?

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He already hated this.

Todd Anderson's hands had only stopped shaking ten minutes ago – or at least, he thought it was about ten minutes ago. His parents had led him out of the chapel and to here, the Academy Honor Room, where the rest of the juniors were waiting to be called upon by Nolan.

Along the way, his father had said something about Todd's older brother and how he had been "so successful here at Welton and you will be too, of course", but Todd hadn't really been listening.

His mother had brushed his hair back, her fingers barely moving through his hair for fear that the pomade slicked in his hair would get under her finely-done nails. She had given him a gentle kiss on the forehead, squeezing his shoulder with all her might before she was pulled away by his father, and Todd was inevitably left alone.

He hated this.

He stayed tucked in the corner of the room, over-watching the hushed conversations going on around him. These were his schoolmates and his future classmates, and he was terrified. Oh God, why couldn't he have stayed at Balincrest? At least there, everyone had gotten used to his quiet and unsocial nature. Here, he'd have to re-establish that identity and go through all the awkwardness of first introductions again before people realized he was too shy to associate with.

"Overstreet, Perry, Dalton, Anderson, Cameron," Dr. Hager called out, startling Todd. "Come."

Todd pushed off the wall he had been leaning against and followed the others up out of the Academy Honor Room and up the staircase.

"Who's the new boy, Meeks?" He heard someone whisper as he passed.

"Anderson," the boy – who was probably Meeks – whispered back.

Todd passed through into Mr. Nolan's inner office and came to a stop beside the other four boys. They were lined up in a straight row in front of Mr. Nolan's desk where he sat wit ha hunting dog resting at his feet.

"Welcome back, boys," Mr. Nolan nodded. "Mr. Dalton, how's your father?"

"Doing fine, Sir."

"Your family moved into that new house yet, Mr. Overstreet?"

"Yes, Sir, about a month ago."

"Wonderful," Nolan smiled briefly and Todd noted that it wasn't the least bit friendly. "I hear it's beautiful." He patted the dog and gave it a snack while the five boys waited in awkward silence.

"Mr. Anderson," Nolan said and Todd's breathing stopped. Again, he hated this. "Since you're new here let me explain that at Welton, I assign extracurricular activities on the basis of merit and desire. These activities are taken every bit as seriously as your classwork, right boys?"

"Yes, Sir!" The others said in military unison and Todd swallowed over the lump in his throat.

"Failure to attend required meetings will result in demerits. Now, Mr. Dalton: the school paper, the Service Club, soccer, rowing. Mr. Overstreet: Welton Society Candidates, the school paper, soccer, Sons of Alumni Club. Mr. Perry: Welton Society Candidates, Chemistry Club, Mathematics Club, school annual, soccer. Mr. Cameron: Welton Society Candidates, Debate Club, rowing, Service Club, Forensics, Honour Council."

Todd tried to keep his hands steady as he listened. His stomach flipped a nauseous feeling building up.

"Mr. Anderson, based on your record at Balincrest: soccer, Service Club, school annual. Anything else I should know about?"

Todd stood silent. He struggled to say something, but the words just wouldn't come out no matter how hard he tried. They almost never came out.

"Speak up, Mr. Anderson."

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