Torn Apart

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ATTENTION ! Prologue will help you understand Zahra's relationship with Amir.

''Boarding for Flight 815 to London Heathrow is now commencing at Gate 23B. We kindly ask all passengers to make their way to the gate and have their boarding passes and passports ready for inspection. Once again, boarding for Flight 815 to London Heathrow is now underway. Thank you for choosing to fly with us, and we wish you a pleasant journey."

Ting. Zahra's phone chimed with a message from her brother: "Yo, where are you? We need to get to the gate." She heaved a big sigh, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on her. Quickly, she washed her tear-blotted face and inspected herself in the mirror, hoping to conceal any traces of distress. The sound of the airport bathroom door opening and closing drew her attention, and she silently prayed that whoever had entered wouldn't make eye contact.

Zahra froze as she heard her name being called softly. It was the voice of the person she had loved for all those years, but at that moment, it was the last voice she wanted to hear. "Zahra, your family is looking for you," the voice said again, gently but firmly. Zahra's hands were clasping the sink counter so hard that the whites of her knuckles were visible. She could feel the room spinning, a whirlwind of emotions engulfing her. "Zahra," he repeated, his voice filled with concern. "What?" she snapped, her voice edged with frustration, and fresh tears starting to swarm her eyes. Slowly, she turned to face him, and his eyebrows furrowed with concern as he took in her distraught expression.

"What are you doing in the girls' bathroom?" she asked, her voice tinged with surprise and annoyance.

"I saw you come in here," he said gently, "and you were taking a while. They called your gate number as well, so I thought of coming in here and seeing if you are okay. Are you okay?" he asked, genuine concern in his voice.

"What do you think?" she snapped, her frustration evident as she struggled to maintain her composure amidst the whirlwind of emotions raging inside her.

"Zahra, I'm sorry. I really am," he began, his voice soft with remorse. "Don't you think I'm hurting too? The last thing I wanted was to call off our relationship, but we're doing this for the better. Your parents will never accept a person like me because of where I come from. Your father has made it clear that we end this. I thought you agreed to this as well. You said we should end this haram relationship to please Allah. Those were your words, not mine," he said, his face clouding with emotion as he struggled to convey the pain he felt.

She felt sick to her stomach, a heavy weight settling in her chest as she acknowledged the truth in his words. She loved him, there was no denying that. They were childhood best friends turned lovers, their bond forged over years of shared experiences and intimate conversations. Yet, their relationship had always been constrained, kept strictly to texts and declarations of love. They never met in private, only stealing fleeting glances and exchanging sweet nothings at gatherings. It was a love confined to the shadows, hidden from disapproving eyes and societal expectations.

When Zahra had mustered the courage to confide in her parents about her relationship with Amir, her father had responded with a gentle yet firm tone. "It's not going to work out, Zahra," he had said, his words carrying the weight of parental concern. Due to Amir's father's troubled past, her parents harboured fears that history might repeat itself. They were meticulous about family background, and despite the amicable relations between their families at gatherings, Amir's lineage didn't meet their standards.

"Amir is a nice boy, Zahra," her father continued, his voice filled with empathy. "But as a father, I fear his father's blood runs in him, and therefore he may treat you as his father did to his poor mother." Despite Zahra's impassioned pleas and heartfelt advocacy on Amir's behalf, her parents remained resolute in their decision.

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