Part 13!

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The day was fine, not much happened half the people on the trip visited the Eiffel Tower so I didn't see much of y/n as we were separated a lot which sucked but i was now sitting in Haz and I's room listening to him talk about Mindy

"So you guys going to this thing together?"I asked as I tucked my shirt in

"Nah but i'll see her there!"he replied as I got my shoes and jacket on and he stepped out the bathroom

"But I think she actually likes me now!"he added and I nodded uninterested as he kept going on as I nodded but was stressed as I was about to pick y/n up, even though her rooms just down the hall

"Tom!"haz snapped me from my thoughts

"Hm?"I asked

"Blue or red?"he asked holding up ties

"Obviously blue! What even is that!"I said with disappointment holding up the red laughing

"Rude!"he said as I fixed my hair

"So what happened in y/n's room last night?"he asked

"Nothing! I slept in all my clothes over the covers!"I said like he was my mum and he rolled his eyes

"Can't believe she said I'm a bad kisser!"he scoffed and I laughed slightly

"Wait Why are you ready so early?"he then asked looking me up and down

"I'm picking up y/n!"I said not looking at him blush crawling up my cheeks

"Now she is gonna look hot tonight!"he commented making me twinge in anger before I tried to tuck a piece of hair back but the curl fell again and I rolled my eyes then left after saying bye to Haz

I was oddly nervous as I made my way to y/ns and I could feel the sweat building up on my hands so wiped it on my trousers before knocking on the door and letting out a shaky breath as she opened the door and she looked...gorgeous, her dress was long and silk that just lay against her body perfectly but it had these cut outs on the side making me blush with a lowish neckline

"You look-"I started as she smiled

"-beautiful!"I managed to say and she smiled

"Don't look too bad yourself!"she said and I blushed slightly again, god I need to stop she's my roommate

"I just need to get my bag!"she said and turned to get it showing my how the cut outs on her dress leading to an open back looking so hot.

She smiled at me before shutting the door and I smiled as I placed my arm on her lower back slightly blushing as our skin brushed against each others.


Tom looked amazing I mean he was just in a simple black suit but he looked amazing...I already mentioned that.
His hand was on my lower back and I blushed as I felt his hand on me.

"Hello you two! You look great!"miss Lewis said and we smiled

"Thanks you look good too!"I replied and she smiled

"Right so most people are here but you can sit anywhere it's pretty chill I've heard people say it's got wedding vibes without the wedding or whatever that means!"she said and we chuckled

"Go! Have fun!"she said and we smiled then walked past

"Drink ma'lady?"Tom asked and I nodded as he took 2 from a person with a tray

"Why thank you!"I replied and took it sipping on it

"Hmm it's good!"I replied with a smile and he laughed, we soon sat down and had some food talking and laughing (tables big enough for 6 people!) and as I was snacking and Tom and I were talking I got up

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