She Is So Beautiful.

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Scott's P.O.V

I made a terrible mistake. I thought that I didn't love Zara, because she was just so....simple. She never loved flashy clothes or expensive jewellery, she never loved the glitz and glam of our life, especially coming into the spotlight after my award winning electric car concept was well received by critics, and thus ended up going for production for sale to the public.

Instead, she loved cooking, I swear she would love in that kitchen had she been given the chance. She loved people and small children, I would've loved to be her kids father, had I not been so stupid. I guess I actually did love her, a lot. Man, I miss her. Her sweet floral scent she left wherever she went, her velvety smooth voice, her small cute eyes that would close up completely whenever she laughed, or how she would tilt her head when confused or trying to concentrate.

I'm sitting in my office looking over some paperwork I had to sign when I heard a loud voice coming into my office.

"Scottyyyyyyy, you never have time for me and we need to go for the cake tasting!!!!" I rolled my eyes and looked at Chrissy, Zara's ex best friend and the woman she caught me sleeping with. I guess I never really loved her at all, or liked her for that matter. I was just sexually attracted to her, she had the body that most women wanted and most men lusted after, not forgetting the good cooch. She wasn't always like this. Her father is very successful in the oil industry so being daddy's little girl, she guilt tripped daddy dearest to fund all of her various plastic surgeries, not to mention she was jealous of Zara's natural beauty and her God given curves.

I started rubbing my temples because of how loud her voice is. "Not today, I'm busy. Take your mom with you or something." I said gruffly. I really made a mistake proposing to this bitch.

"But babyyyyyy, we're meeting the wedding planner and her boss is coming today, she needs to see both the bride-" pointing to herself, "and the groom." pointing to me.

A deep sigh escaped my lips. " Fine. But only for 2 hours. I have paperwork to go over."


We arrived at the venue Chrissy had chosen for us. It looked very impressive. I guess she wasn't as dim-witted as I thought she was.

"So, do you like it? I spared no expense." She said going over her heavily made up face. I don't get it, why spend so much on surgery if you're gonna cover it all up with that makeup crap? This being one of the reasons I preferred Zara over her. She was effortlessly beautiful, especially without makeup.

"Uhh...yea. It's okay." I responded uninterested.

Soon enough the wedding planner arrived with a young woman walking behind her going through her phone. But as they got closer, she looked very There's no way. It can't be her.

She. Is. So. Beautiful.
Just like how I last remember her. Her curly black hair had grown past her waist, her skin healthy and supple, her grey strapless dress hugging her in all the right places. I could feel myself getting a hard on just by the sight of her. She always had that hold on me.

"Good morning everyone. I am Zara Campbell and I am so pleased to -"

She stopped mid- sentence and froze with wide eyes when she saw who she was talking to. But she quickly composed herself and continued, "I am pleased to meet with you all, and make this the absolute wedding of your dreams."
She finished off with a sweet smile, obviously fake. But I guess Chrissy didn't notice cause as soon as she was done she lunged on Zara and gave her a bone crushing hug.

"Owemjiiii Zara!!!! I never thought I would see you again, where have you been girlfriend?!?!" Sometimes I wish I could punch her in the throat because of how screechy her voice can get. But I was taught to never hit women,so I refrained and kept my cool.

Zara looked taken back, but her expression soon changed to irritation and firmly unclasped Chrissy from her body.

" Chrissy. Surprised to see you again." Zara moved backwards to create distance between them.

" Zara, look. I really want to apologise for what happened between me and Scott, I feel really bad about what I did. And I hope I can make it up to you by inviting you to our wedding in a month's time. I'd really appreciate it if you came and - "

"No. After all the shit you and that asshole did to me you'd think I would want to come to your fucked up wedding? We will never, ever be okay, and your sham of a wedding will never make up for it."

"Listen Zara, I know you're mad, but you don't need to be all bitter about it-"

"Excuse me? Last time I checked you were the one after MY husband, you slept with MY husband, so I really think you should get your facts straight before deciding who the bitter bitch is."
Zara walked off in a huff and left us with the wedding planner who seemed to have heard everything that was said between the two.

"Okay so....." The wedding planner started, "we should double check that everything is still to your liking yes?" We walked off with the planner with him showing us all the different designs and tasted all the cakes that were available. We had our final dress fittings and gave the go ahead for the wedding next month.

But I still couldn't get Zara off my mind. I think I still love her.

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